Sci-fi hororová manga klasika Parasyte teraz prichádza v novom prevedení - vo farbe a pevnej väzbe! Nesmie chýbať na poličke žiadneho pravého fanúšika mangy.
Šiesty volume obľúbenej hororovej manga (a anime) série Parasyte o mimozemských votrelcoch, ktorí obývajú ľudských hostiteľov. Spoznajte príbeh Shinchiho.
Siedma časť série obľúbenej manga Parasyte o chlapcovi a jeho parazitovi, ktorý ho chcel pôvodne ovládnuť, ale nakoniec spoločne bojujú proti invázii.
Posledný diel manga (a anime) série Parasyte. Zistite ako skonší hororový sci-fi príbeh o mimozemských parazitoch, ktoré napadli telá ľudí. Obsahuje bonusové príbehy.
Autor: Mark Waid Séria: Archie ARCHIE, one of the longest-running titles in comic book history, is rebooted here in this full-color collection that brings together two of the most talented creators in comics, Mark Waid and Fiona Staples.
Autor: Kentaro Takemura Séria: Super Mario Long out of print, this stunning, full-color graphic novel is now available once again! Super Mario Adventures, inspired by the bestselling Super Mario video game franchise, is a collection of comics that originally ran in Nintendo Power magazine in 1992-93.
Noble Collection s potešením predstavuje dve nové plyšové figúrky z mnohonásobne ocenenej animovanej série od Nickelodeon, Avatar: The Last Airbender. Momo je Aangov verný okrídlený Lemur a posledný známy preživší svojho druhu. Figúrka je vyrobená z vysoko kvalitných materiálov a meria približne 43 cm na výšku.
Noble Collection s potešením oznamuje novú radu Magical Creatures z filmovej série Harry Potter. Každá soška je 19 cm vysoká a 10 cm široká vo svojej vitríne. Stvorenia a Dioramy sa dajú vybrať z ich vitrín.Dementor je temný tvor a je považovaný za jedeného z najodpornejších obyvateľov sveta. Dementori sa živia ľudským šťastím.
Noble Collection s potešením oznamuje novú radu Magical Creatures z filmovej série Harry Potter. Každá soška je 19 cm vysoká a 10 cm široká vo svojej vitríne. Stvorenia a Dioramy sa dajú vybrať z ich vitrín.Maďarský tŕňochvostý drak je známy, že je najagresívnejší z dračích plemien a čelil Harry-mu v prvej úlohe Trojčarodejníckeho turnaja.
Fans of Gravity Falls will simply love this 288-page full-color jacketed hardcover version of Journal 3!
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. It is recommended to apply Xpress Color on a white or grey primed or painted surface. The color will create light areas on the reliefs, saturated mid-tones and intense shadows in the crevices of the figure. Like all our products, they are very versatile and can be applied over any color in the range to create soft shading and contouring effects, to create glazes or filters and to blend transitions between color tones. Xpress Color can be mixed together, or can be dilute
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. It is recommended to apply Xpress Color on a white or grey primed or painted surface. The color will create light areas on the reliefs, saturated mid-tones and intense shadows in the crevices of the figure. Like all our products, they are very versatile and can be applied over any color in the range to create soft shading and contouring effects, to create glazes or filters and to blend transitions between color tones. Xpress Color can be mixed together, or can be dilute
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. It is recommended to apply Xpress Color on a white or grey primed or painted surface. The color will create light areas on the reliefs, saturated mid-tones and intense shadows in the crevices of the figure. Like all our products, they are very versatile and can be applied over any color in the range to create soft shading and contouring effects, to create glazes or filters and to blend transitions between color tones. Xpress Color can be mixed together, or can be dilute
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. It is recommended to apply Xpress Color on a white or grey primed or painted surface. The color will create light areas on the reliefs, saturated mid-tones and intense shadows in the crevices of the figure. Like all our products, they are very versatile and can be applied over any color in the range to create soft shading and contouring effects, to create glazes or filters and to blend transitions between color tones. Xpress Color can be mixed together, or can be dilute
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. It is recommended to apply Xpress Color on a white or grey primed or painted surface. The color will create light areas on the reliefs, saturated mid-tones and intense shadows in the crevices of the figure. Like all our products, they are very versatile and can be applied over any color in the range to create soft shading and contouring effects, to create glazes or filters and to blend transitions between color tones. Xpress Color can be mixed together, or can be dilute
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. It is recommended to apply Xpress Color on a white or grey primed or painted surface. The color will create light areas on the reliefs, saturated mid-tones and intense shadows in the crevices of the figure. Like all our products, they are very versatile and can be applied over any color in the range to create soft shading and contouring effects, to create glazes or filters and to blend transitions between color tones. Xpress Color can be mixed together, or can be dilute