Sušená pečeň v kapsuliach od holandskej firmy Modern Native je vhodná pre koncentráciu, pamäť a výkonnosť pri učení. Zároveň tiež pomáhajú proti únave, podporujú imunitný systém a udržujú zdravú pokožku. To všetko vďaka obsiahnutým vitamínom B a ďalším živinám.
Vysoko koncentrované kapsuly obsahujúce lyofilizovanú grass-fed pečeň, ktorá patrí medzi najvýživnejšie potraviny plné aktívnych látok a mikroživín. Sú bohaté na vitamín A, B komplex, ale aj železo, selén, zinok a meď. Zvieratá žijú na voľnej pastve a sú kŕmené iba trávou, preto sú ich orgány bohaté na živiny. Sušené mrazom.
Mrazom sušený červený ženšen v kapsuliach s obsahom kompletného profilu živín aktivovaných fermentáciou. Funguje ako tradičný „životabudič“. Podporuje životnú energiu, stabilnú náladu a funguje ako podpora proti stresu.
Ostropestrec mariánsky s obsahom kompletného profilu živín aktivovaných fermentáciou. Ostropestrec tradične pomáha posilňovať pečeň, podporuje účinnú detoxikáciu a normalizuje pečeňové funkcie. Ako silný antioxidant taktiež pomáha s hojením akné. Je to najlepší doplnok práve na jar pri detoxe.
Leaving behind memories of a broken heart in her native America, Bailey Templeton cmbraces a challenging future when she arrives to teach the unruly children of Sydney Cove, Australia. Autor : Patricia Hickman
The book comes sequel to the Reader in modern american literature (1917-1941) compiled by the same authors in 1974. The volume covers the 40s and the 50s. It was the time of certain decline in American literature, which was marked by a decrease of social and artistic value of literary production, as compared to that of roaring thirties .... Autor: Kolektív autorov
Zinok Albion® + meď je inovatívnym doplnkom stravy, ktorý využíva revolučné technológie v oblasti výživy na optimálnu podporu minerálnych látok. Kombinuje kľúčové minerálne látky, zinok a meď, vo forme ľahko vstrebateľných vegánskych kapsúl, ktoré sú šetrné k životnému prostrediu a menej zaťažujú žalúdok ako tradičné želatínové kapsule.
A series of three book dealing with phrases commonly heard in conversation in English, is intended for intermediate learners. They are very useful to learners who want to speak English naturally and fluently like native speakers. Each phrase is explained clearly, followed by example sentence showing how it is used. It is then presented in an everyday or humorous situation illustrated by a set of colourful cartoons with captions or dialogue.
A series of three book dealing with phrases commonly heard in conversation in English, is intended for intermediate learners. They are very useful to learners who want to speak English naturally and fluently like native speakers. Each phrase is explained clearly, followed by example sentence showing how it is used. It is then presented in an everyday or humorous situation illustrated by a set of colourful cartoons with captions or dialogue.
A series of three book dealing with phrases commonly heard in conversation in English, is intended for intermediate learners. They are very useful to learners who want to speak English naturally and fluently like native speakers. Each phrase is explained clearly, followed by example sentence showing how it is used. It is then presented in an everyday or humorous situation illustrated by a set of colourful cartoons with captions or dialogue.
Take a trip around the globe to discover the greatest engineering genius of the 20th century and the will of modern man to achieve the unachievable. The Seven Engineering Wonders of the Modern World, as recognized by the American Society of Civil Engineers, testify to the unbelievable intellect required and sacrifices made to construct seven of the most recognizable and admired structures on the planet. Learn how and why they were conceived and built and who was involved through accurate information, s
A colouring book based on the bestselling First Hundred Words series. Each detailed scene, with smaller pictures labelled in Spanish around the edge, is just begging to be coloured in! Readers can listen to all the words read by a native Spanish speaker at the Usborne Quicklinks Website.
Fossils are not a modern discovery. They have been found decorating axe heads and necklaces of thousands of year ago. The ancient Greeks collected fossils and also studies them.
The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The Russian LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very
The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The German LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very o
The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The Slovak LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very o
The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The French LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very o