Naša epocha je svojou podstatou tragická, a tak ju nechceme tragicky brať. Nastala katastrofa, stojíme uprostred zrúcanín, začíname si stavať nové malé obydlia, snovať nové malé nádeje. Autor: David Herbert Lawrence
Zvolajte: Hurá! Sláva! a znova ma zasypte slávou: konenčne v pasci mám korisť, ktorú som uloviť chcel. Nadšený milenec venčí mi báseň zelenou palmou... Autor: Publius Ovidius Naso
Menosa unášalo slávnostné vzrušenie. Ráno zabúchal na dvere jeho izby posol z kráľovského paláca a zvestoval mu, že konečne dostal na rad. Zvyšky sna i ranná ospalosť razom odleteli ako splašený vták, radosť, ktorá v ňom jasne vzbĺkla............ Autor:Ján Lenčo
Historický román z obdobia vlády Karola VIII., vnuka Ľudovíta Svätého, je osnovou, na ktorej sa odvíja zaujímavý a farbistý dej o osudoch mnohých významných ľudí, ktorých i dnes história spomína ako významných dejateľov európskych dejín, nech už to bolo v dobrom alebo v zlom. Autor: Jacques Chabannes
Contemporary / American EnglishDetective Philip Marlowe is looking for Derace Kingsley’s wife, Crystal. Is she dead or not? Marlowe finds more than one dead body and learns about women, drugs, men in love, and a police cover-up. Who killed The Lady in the Lake and why? This Pack contains a Book and MP3
When a rich lady is murdered, there is one obvious suspect. Even his wife says he is guilty but then his lawyer discovers evidence that brings everything into question. Is anyone telling the truth?
Vydavateľ: 2005 Egmont Počet strán: 64Náklad: - (Vydanie prvé)Väzba: pevná väzba, bez prebalu Váha: - kg Stav: veľmi pekný, rohy viac buchnuté, inak v poriadku
V noci na 21. marec 1810 francúzskemu konzulovi pri saintjameskom dvore barónovi Séguierovi šťastena veľmi žičila. V dome lady Pembrokovej-Montgomeryovej, rodom grófky Voroncovovej, hral karty a vášnivo staval čoraz väčšie sumy. Autor: Valentin Pikuľ
Classic / British EnglishPip is a poor orphan whose life is changed forever by two very different meetings – one with an escaped convict and the other with an eccentric old lady and the beautiful girl who lives with her. And who is the mysterious person who leaves him a fortune?
Dobrodružné príbehy v 40-tich kapitolách. Lavica stála pri obloku a nik nemohol vystriehnuť prv než Saňka Konšakov, ako sa k dedine prikráda jar, ako sa na pahrbkoch vynárajú kopniny, ako na poli tmavie sneh a v jarku sa vzdúva rieka. A keď sa ľady pohli, Saňka to prvý zvestoval celej triede. Autor: A. Musatov
One sleepy summer, an American woman arrives in England, and wakes everybody up. Isabel Archer is an interesting woman. Everybody thinks so. She is an independent woman. Everybody agrees. And she changes the lives of everyone she meets in England. But will England change her?
Classic / British EnglishPip is a poor orphan whose life is changed forever by two very different meetings – one with an escaped convict and the other with an eccentric old lady and the beautiful girl who lives with her. And who is the mysterious person who leaves him a fortune? This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Contemporary / British EnglishThe second exciting story from The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series. Precious Ramotswe is now known as Botswana’s first and only lady detective and has many cases. She’s looking for a young American who disappeared ten years ago. Will she finally marry Mr JLB Matekoni?
Classic / British EnglishThe famous Canterville Ghost haunts an old house, but the ghost becomes unhappy when the new owners play tricks on him! In the other stories, we meet Lord Arthur Savile, who has to murder someone before he can get married, and we discover the secret life of beautiful Lady Alroy.
Classic / British EnglishThe famous Canterville Ghost haunts an old house, but the ghost becomes unhappy when the new owners play tricks on him! In the other stories, we meet Lord Arthur Savile, who has to murder someone before he can get married, and we discover the secret life of beautiful Lady Alroy. This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Contemporary / British English The second exciting story from The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. Precious Ramotswe is now known as Botswana's first and only lady detective and has many cases. She's looking for a young American who disappeared ten years ago. Will she finally marry Mr JLB Matekoni? This Pack contains a Book and MP3