Po ére najkrutejšej tyranie bol démonický boh Adyr konečne porazený. Ale bohovia... neumierajú navždy. Teraz, po eónoch, sa blíži Adyrovo vzkriesenie. Jedinou nádejou ľudstva je Cirkev Ori - poslední bojovníci svetla vo svete, ktorý je zo dňa na deň temnejší. Vlastní zariadenie s nesvätou mocou - lampáš, ktorý jej umožňuje prechádzať medzi ríšami živých a mŕtvych. V rozpore so svojím presvedčením Cirkev prepožičiava toto čierne umenie len svojim najzarytejším a najvernejším bojovníkom - Temným križiakom.Ak sa chcete vzoprieť bohom a vrátiť svetu svetlo, musíte prijať temnotu.Vydajte sa na cestu naprieč dvoma paralelnými svetmi v rámci veľkolepej výpravy za zvrhnutím Adaira. Zatiaľ čo ríša živých predstavuje vlastné brutálne výzvy, v ríši mŕtvych čakajú nevýslovné hrôzy.
Obsah Limited Edition:Hra Lords of the FallenHerný soundtrackPríbehové DLC – The Monk’s DecipherExkluzívny balíček zbraní – Demonic Weapons Pack Lords of the Fallen je akčnou fantasy hrou, ktorá sa zameriava skôr na schopnosti hráčov v súbojoch, než na rozmanitý príbeh. Ponúkne však prepracovaný súbojový systém a skutočnú výzvu pre každého hráča. Podobne ako v hre Dark Souls bude nutné obozretné sledovanie nepriateľa a jeho útokov a využiť príležitostí, ktoré nepriateľ ponúkne k vlastnému útoku. Súboj by
Scoundrels of Skullport adds brand new content for the award-winning, bestselling board game, Lords of Waterdeep. It's not one, but two, complete expansions: the sprawling dungeon of Undermountain and the criminal haven of Skullport. Each thrilling location has unique characteristics and offers new play options, including new Lords, Buildings, Intrigue and Quest cards. Owners of Lords of Waterdeep can use one or both of these new subterranean locations to add depth to their game experience. There's also a
Scoundrels of Skullport adds brand new content for the award-winning, bestselling board game, Lords of Waterdeep. It's not one, but two, complete expansions: the sprawling dungeon of Undermountain and the criminal haven of Skullport. Each thrilling location has unique characteristics and offers new play options, including new Lords, Buildings, Intrigue and Quest cards. Owners of Lords of Waterdeep can use one or both of these new subterranean locations to add depth to their game experience. There's also a
Waterdeep, the City of Splendors—the most resplendent jewel in the Forgotten Realms, and a den of political intrigue and shady back-alley dealings.In this game, the players are powerful lords vying for control of this great city. Its treasures and resources are ripe for the taking, and that which cannot be gainedthrough trickery and negotiation must be taken by force!Lords of Waterdeep is a strategy board game for 2-5 players. You take on the role of one of the masked Lordsof Waterdeep, secret rulers of t
Lords and Lands is the perfect expansion for the Witcher Tabletop Roleplaying Game to help Gamemasters and players bring the Dark and Dangerous world of the Witcher to life!Lords and Lands includes:A four panel Shield packed with the tables and information Gamemasters need to run the game.Statistics and information on a number of common “Everyman” NPCs to help populate the Continent in a hurry.Players can now work the land with a new playable Race, the Halflings!Or they can rule and manage the land instea
Lords and Lands is the perfect expansion for the Witcher Tabletop Roleplaying Game to help Gamemasters and players bring the Dark and Dangerous world of the Witcher to life!Lords and Lands includes:A four panel Shield packed with the tables and information Gamemasters need to run the game.Statistics and information on a number of common “Everyman” NPCs to help populate the Continent in a hurry.Players can now work the land with a new playable Race, the Halflings!Or they can rule and manage the land instea
Kód je možné poslať formou: sms správy alebo emailom. Na hranie hry je potrebné jej prvotné stiahnutie z Xbox LIVELords of the Fallen je akčná fantasy hra, ktorá sa zameriava skôr na schopnosti hráčov v súbojoch, než na rozmanitý príbeh. Ponúkne však prepracovaný súbojový systém a skutočnú výzvu pre každého hráča. Podobne ako v hre Dark Souls bude nutné opatrné sledovanie nepriateľa a jeho útokov a využiť príležitosti, ktoré nepriateľ ponúkne k vlastnému útoku. Súboj by mal byť akčný a plynulý a chýbať ne
Sada 10 detailných nenamaľovaných zberateľských minifigúrok Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Lumineth Realm-Lords: Vanari Auralan Sentinelsod spoločnostiGames Workshop.
Jedinečný artbook k úspešnej hre Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Nahliadnite do zákulisia tvorby hry a prehliadnite si koncepty postáv, zbraní, výstroje a rôznych prostredí.
Štýlová približne 11,8 cm vysoká vinylová zberateľská figúrka Merrin (Nightsister) inšpirovaná videohrou Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order zo špeciálnej edícieFunkoPOP! Star Wars.
Neuveriteľne detailná 15 cm vysoká zberateľská figúrka Black Series Rocket Launcher Trooperzinšpirovaná videohrou Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order od spoločnosti Hasbro.
Avengers z rôznych Zemí sa musia dať dokopy, aby pomohli Ghost Riderovi premôcť najväčších zloduchov. Ponorte sa do akčného multiverse komiksu od Marvel.
A mysterious former Sith wanders the galaxy in this stunning Star Wars tale. An original novel inspired by the world of The Duel from the Star Wars Visions animated anthology. The Jedi are the most loyal servants of the Empire. Two decades ago, Jedi clans clashed in service to feuding lords. Sickened by this endless cycle, a sect of Jedi rebelled, seeking to control their own destiny and claim power in service of no master. They called themselves Sith. The Sith rebellion failed, succumbing to infighting a
A mysterious former Sith wanders the galaxy in this stunning Star Wars tale. An original novel inspired by the world of The Duel from the Star Wars Visions animated anthology. The Jedi are the most loyal servants of the Empire. Two decades ago, Jedi clans clashed in service to feuding lords. Sickened by this endless cycle, a sect of Jedi rebelled, seeking to control their own destiny and claim power in service of no master. They called themselves Sith. The Sith rebellion failed, succumbing to infighting a
In A Day of Fallen Night, Samantha Shannon sweeps readers back to the universe of Priory of the Orange Tree and into the lives of four women, showing us a course of events that shaped their world for generations to come. Tunuva Melim is a sister of the Priory. For fifty years, she has trained to slay wyrms – but none have appeared since the Nameless One, and the younger generation is starting to question the Priory's purpose. To the north, in the Queendom of Inys, Sabran the Ambitious has married the new