KIT NBB WRAS Drinking and rainwater harvesting system - 280l tank  DAB.PRISLUSENSTVI NBB

KIT NBB WRAS Drinking and rainwater harvesting system - 280l tank DAB.PRISLUSENSTVI NBB

KIT NBB WRAS Drinking and rainwater harvesting system - 280l tank

AQUAPROF BASIC 40/50 rainwater harvesting system - action  DAB.AQUAPROF

AQUAPROF BASIC 40/50 rainwater harvesting system - action DAB.AQUAPROF

AQUAPROF BASIC 40/50 rainwater harvesting system - action

ACTIVE SWITCH 30/50 M rainwater harvesting system - action  DAB.ACTIVE SWITCH

ACTIVE SWITCH 30/50 M rainwater harvesting system - action DAB.ACTIVE SWITCH

ACTIVE SWITCH 30/50 M rainwater harvesting system - action

ELCU-5000l plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-5000

ELCU-5000l plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-5000

ELCU-5000l plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-10000l Plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-10000

ELCU-10000l Plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-10000

ELCU-10000l Plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-3000l plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-3000

ELCU-3000l plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-3000

ELCU-3000l plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-3000l KOMPLET DIVERTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-3000 KOMPLET

ELCU-3000l KOMPLET DIVERTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-3000 KOMPLET

ELCU-3000l KOMPLET DIVERTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-5000l KOMPLET DIVERTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-5000 KOMPLET

ELCU-5000l KOMPLET DIVERTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-5000 KOMPLET

ELCU-5000l KOMPLET DIVERTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-10000l KOMPLET DIVERTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-10000 KOMPLET

ELCU-10000l KOMPLET DIVERTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-10000 KOMPLET

ELCU-10000l KOMPLET DIVERTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-5000l KOMPLET DTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-5000 KOMPLET

ELCU-5000l KOMPLET DTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-5000 KOMPLET

ELCU-5000l KOMPLET DTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-3000l KOMPLET DTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-3000 KOMPLET

ELCU-3000l KOMPLET DTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-3000 KOMPLET

ELCU-3000l KOMPLET DTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-10000l KOMPLET DTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-10000 KOMPLET

ELCU-10000l KOMPLET DTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-10000 KOMPLET

ELCU-10000l KOMPLET DTRON plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-10000l KOMPLET ESYBOX DIVER plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-10000 KOMPLET

ELCU-10000l KOMPLET ESYBOX DIVER plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-10000 KOMPLET

ELCU-10000l KOMPLET ESYBOX DIVER plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-3000l KOMPLET ESYBOX DIVER plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-3000 KOMPLET

ELCU-3000l KOMPLET ESYBOX DIVER plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-3000 KOMPLET

ELCU-3000l KOMPLET ESYBOX DIVER plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action

ELCU-5000l KOMPLET ESYBOX DIVER plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action  IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-5000 KOMPLET

ELCU-5000l KOMPLET ESYBOX DIVER plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action IVAR.RAIN BASIC CU-5000 KOMPLET

ELCU-5000l KOMPLET ESYBOX DIVER plastic container for rainwater harvesting - action


Gro Tank GT 100, 1m2 - NOVÁ CENA

Gro Tank GT 100 – kompletný systém NFT určený pre pestovanie rastlín. Rozmery 1 m3 , rozmery: délka:1200mm x šírka 1060mm x hĺbka 230mm, objem nádrže 100 l, cena za 1 m2. Návod na použitie:  
