Eisner cenou ovenčený komiks od uznávaného Neila Gaimana, ktorý sa dočkal aj filmovej adaptácie s Nicol Kidman je určite dielko, ktoré stojí za prečítanie.
Jedinečná kvízová hra o seriáli Gilmore Girls. Otestujte svoje znalosti s viac ako 200 otázkami s pomocou sprievodnej knihy. Skvelý darček pre fanúšikov Gilmore Girls.
Darrin Bell v komikse The Talk zachytáva spoločenskú situáciu medzi belochmi a černochmi v USA. Na vykreslenie využíva známe udalosti a tiež momenty zo súkromného života.
Figúrka postáv z animovaného seriálu Powerpuff Girls.
Ponorte sa do mysteriózneho sci-fi komiksu Paper Girls, ktorý inšpiroval aj rovnomenný seriál. V druhom dieli sa Máca s kamarátkami ocitajú v nebezpečnom Clevelande.
Druhé pokračovanie komiksu Paper Girls v češtine, v ktorom hlavné postavy odhalia záhadu cestovania časom. Ponorte sa do drsného príbehu z pohľadu mladých dievčat.
The Powerpuff Girls je americký animovaný televízny seriál vytvorený animátorom Craigom McCrackenom a produkovaný pre Cartoon Network. Výrobca: Funko Kód produktu: FK57778
Miniatúra obsahujúca 10 magnetiek s hláškami z komediálneho filmu Mean Girls. V balení nájdete aj knižku s citátmi a obrázkami. Ideálne ako darček pre fanúšičky tejto komédie.
Autor: Tsukumizu Séria: Girls Last Tour Chito and Yuris post-apocalyptic, everyday adventures continue as the two discover a mysterious living creature!
Druhý mini album dievčenskej k-popovej skupiny NewJeans s názvom Get Up vo verzii Powerpuff Girls. Obsahuje CD, fotoknihu, záložku, nálepku a ďalšie bonusy.
Autor: Tsukumizu Séria: Girls Last Tour Titus and Yuri continue traveling in a world where the civilization collapsed. What did the two who ventured to the upper level of the city find?
Autor: Tsukumizu Séria: Girls Last Tour Titus and Yuri continue traveling in a world where the civilization collapsed. What did the two who ventured to the upper level of the city find?
Autor: Tsukumizu Séria: Girls Last Tour Civilization is dead, but Chito and Yuuri are still alive. So they hop aboard their beloved Kettenkrad motorbike and aimlessly wander the ruins of the world they once knew.
Piate pokračovanie obľúbenej mangy (a anime) Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun. Vyberte sa so skupinou na tábor dramatického klubu a ponorte sa do letného dobrodružstva.
In a hot, hot country, ringed with mountains on one side and jungle on the other, lives a princess called Cinnamon. Her eyes are made of pearls, which means that she is blind. And, for reasons her parents the Rajah and Rani cannot fathom, she will not talk. So they offer a reward to anyone who can teach Cinnamon to speak. People travel from far and wide to attempt it, but nothing works. Until a mighty tiger, huge and fierce, prowls into their palace and announces that he is here to teach the girl-cub to t
In a hot, hot country, ringed with mountains on one side and jungle on the other, lives a princess called Cinnamon. Her eyes are made of pearls, which means that she is blind. And, for reasons her parents the Rajah and Rani cannot fathom, she will not talk. So they offer a reward to anyone who can teach Cinnamon to speak. People travel from far and wide to attempt it, but nothing works. Until a mighty tiger, huge and fierce, prowls into their palace and announces that he is here to teach the girl-cub to t