Spaciousness, healing, freedom from pain of fear, joy and loughter and the deep peace that comes from perfect contentment- we all experience those dazzling moments when it seems that such dreams might possibly come true. Autor : Joni Eareckson tada
THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN addresses the meaning of life, and life after death, in the poignant way that made TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE. An elderly amusement park maintenance worker named Eddie who, while operating a ride called the 'Free Fall', dies while trying to save a young girl who gets in the way of a falling cart that hurtles to earth. Eddie goes to heaven, where he meets five people who were unexpectedly instrumental in some way in his life. While each guide takes him through heaven, Eddie l
From the author of the number one "New York Times "bestseller "Tuesdays with Morrie "comes this long-awaited follow-up. Eddie is a wounded war veteran, an old man who has lived, in his mind, an uninspired life. His job is fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. On his 83rd birthday, a tragic accident kills him as he tries to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakes in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a destination. It s a place where your life is explained to you by five people
The New testament was written after Jesus Christ died, arose from the dead, and then ascended into heaven. It was written originally in Koine Greek and is made up of 27 books. The first four book of the New Testament are called the Gospels : the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke, and the Gospel of John. Autor : Kay Arthur
THE HEAVEN´S MAP, mapa od vydavateľa National Geographic. Hviezdy zemskej nočnej oblohy od nepamäti inšpirujú autorov veľkých umeleckých diel. Tvary súhvezdí, ktoré vidíme na oblohe, posúvajú naše predstavy do fantázie príbehov a mýtov. Mapa zobrazuje schému hviezd a súhvezdí na oboch pologuliach /severná, južná/. Všetky hviezdy /2.844/, hmloviny a hviezdne zoskupenia sú viditeľné voľným okom. Mapu Hviezdnej oblohy sústavy dodávame vo formáte 58 x 78 cm, laminovanú s bielymi plastovými lištami.