Vytvorte si papierové repliky predmetov z magického sveta Harryho Pottera pomocou tejto knihy, ktorá obsahuje jednoduché návody a kreatívne šablóny.
The Noble Collection are proud to announce a new range of Magical Creatures inspired by the Harry Potter series. Each measures approximately 10.5 width by 18.5 cms height in their display case. The creatures and the dioramas can be removed from the display case.Hedwig was Harry Potter's owl, given to him on his eleventh birthday by Hagrid. He also died saving Harry's life at the Battle of Hogwarts.
The Noble Collection are proud to announce a new range of Magical Creatures inspired by the Harry Potter series. Each measures approximately 10.5 width by 18.5 cms height in their display case. The creatures and the dioramas can be removed from the display case.Dobby was a house elf enslaved to the Malfoys from whom he eventually escaped to become the devoted friend of Harry Potter; so devoted he died saving Harry's life.
The Noble Collection are proud to announce a new range of Magical Creatures inspired by the Harry Potter Movies.Ron's dishevelled pet rat, always distrusted by Crookshanks and later revealed to be Animagus Peter Pettigrew.
The Noble Collection are proud to announce a new range of Magical Creatures inspired by the Harry Potter Movies.Ron's dishevelled pet rat, always distrusted by Crookshanks and later revealed to be Animagus Peter Pettigrew.
Materiál: kvalitný resin Dĺžka figúrky: 13 cm Rozmery škatuľky: 10,5 cm x 10,5 cm x 18,5 cm lt;!-- Li--> Oficiálne licencovaný produkt
The Noble Collection are proud to announce a new range of Magical Creatures inspired by the Harry Potter Movies.A three-headed dog won by Rubeus Hagrid from a shadowy stranger, Fluffy was used to help guard the Philosopher's Stone.
The Noble Collection are proud to announce a new range of Magical Creatures inspired by the Harry Potter Movies.A three-headed dog won by Rubeus Hagrid from a shadowy stranger, Fluffy was used to help guard the Philosopher's Stone.
Nálepky s motívom Harry Potter. 8 nálepiek rozmery: 16 x 11 cm
Pre fanúšikov Harry Pottera Nastaviteľný popruh vrecko na zips vo vnútri Zatváranie pomocou magnetov Oficiálne licencovaný produkt
Originálna darčeková kniha s políčkami na vypĺňanie s motívom Harry Potter. Unikátny personalizovaný DIY darček. Ukážte vašim blízkym, že sú pre vás naozaj magickí.
Kniha plná detailných omaľovánok so scénami a postavami z filmov Harry Potter. Vymaľujte si miesta ako Šikmú uličku, Rokfort či Gringott banku a mnohé ďalšie.
Objem: 0,29 l Výška: 14 cm, priemer: 6 cm Vhodné do umývačky riadu (až 700 umývacích cyklov) < li> Oficiálne licencovaný produkt
Rozmery: 33 x 50 x 17 cm Objem: 25 l Materiál: polyester Magnetické zatváranie, nastaviteľné polstrované popruhy Oficiálne licencovaný produkt
Sada originálnych nálepiek s predmetmi z magického sveta Harry Potter. Balenie obsahuje 8 ks samolepiek magických predmetov. Skvelý darček pre fanúšika.
Pogumovaný protišmykový spodok Objem: 355 ml Izolačný plast Nevhodné do mikrovlnky a umývačky riadu Oficiálne licencovaný produkt