Harley-Davidson® Low Profile Oil Drain Pan, 63795-10. It's time to toss that tin-foil turkey roasting pan and reduce the mess and cleanup required when changing the fluids on your motorcycle. This reusable Drain Pan is designed specifically for use with Harley-Davidson® motorcycles - made for Harley's® by Harley®.The low-profile design fits easily under standard height and lowered motorcycles, slipping beneath the bike even when on the side stand. The pan has a 10-quart capacity and will capture two engine oil changes or the complete drain of all fluids (engine oil, primary and transmission) from one motorcycle. Large enough to catch the oil from the entire length of the primary, and is sized to hold and drain an inverted primary cover. The pan features a raised hardware corral, a filter drain surface, and a pressure vent hole to prevent messy oil burping. Drained waste oil is sealed safely inside the pan with high-quality gasket caps and plugs. A convenient carrying handle simplifies
Fits TwinCam, Evolution and Revolution Harley-Davidson® Genuine H-D® 360 Motorcycle Oil is developed and tested for use in Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. Our unique additive package helps prevent engine wear and helps keep your engine cooler, cleaner, and free of sludge, varnish and corrosion. Objem: 1 liter
Harley-Davidson® Winter Motorcycle Parts Snowflake Ornament, HDX-99127. Custom pewter ornament with acrylic gem accents. Embossed Bar & Shield logo and motorcycle parts form a unique snowflake pattern. Dimensions: 3" W x 3"H. Harley-Davidson® Winter Motorcycle Parts Snowflake Ornament Custom pewter ornament with acrylic gem accents Embossed Bar & Shield logo and motorcycle parts form a unique snowflake pattern Dimensions: 3" W x 3"H The perfect holiday decor! Manufacturer Part Number: HDX-99127
Originálny olej SYN Blend Motorcycle Oil je zložením vyvinutým spoločnosťou Harley-Davidson® a vo výrobe testovaným na optimálny výkon. Tento olej kombinuje prémiové základné zásoby s prémiovými aditívami Harley-Davidson® pre: • Optimalizovaná životnosť• Minimálna strata trením• Široká prevádzková teplota okolia• Vynikajúca životnosť komponentov motora v širokom prevádzkovom rozsahu a pri vysokej teplote• Podporuje prísnejšie tolerancie motora pri nižších teplotách• Vytvorené pre optimálny výkon spojky, m
Keď sa povie motocykel, väčšina ľudí si predstaví motorku typu Harley-Davidson. Je to tým, že Harley-Davidson vyrába archetypálne motocykle, ktoré vyzerajú tak, ako skrytý motorkár v každom z nás cíti, že by motorky vyzerať mali. Skrátka, Harley-Davidson stavia mýtické mašiny. Kniha Harley-Davidson: Kompletní historie je oslavou týchto ikonických strojov. Prináša snímky a obrázky všetkých významných motocyklov, ktoré Harley-Davidson od roku 1903 vyrobil.
Informácie o produkte "Reflexný štítok Harley-Davidson - 12 kusov" CG28001 Reflexný štítok s logom Harley-Davidson® B&S Poskytuje vysokú viditeľnosť pri slabom osvetlení Veľkosť balenia: 15 x 20cm roduct information "Harley-Davidson Reflective Decal - 12 pieces" CG28001 Harley-Davidson® B&S Logo Reflective Decal Provides high visibility in low light Package size: 15 x 20cm
Harley-Davidson® Little Boys 'Laundered P.U. Motocyklová bunda, 3386084. Táto bunda z umelej kože má vpredu klasický vyšitý nápis "Harley-Davidson". Zadná strana má úžasnú vyšívanú vyšívanú lištu a grafiku štítu. Mimoriadne mäkká podšívka zo sieťoviny, vyrobená zo 100% polyesteru. Dve vrecká na zahrievanie rúk na zips a malé vrecko na prebaľovanie. Manžety na zips a predný patentný golier, rovnako ako kožená bunda otca. Super mäkká umelá koža, vyrobená zo 100% polyuretánu. Zúfalý pohľad a zúžené švy. Har
Harley-Davidson® H-D B&S dizajnérske nastaviteľné vodítko Nylonové vodítka majú živé, stálofarebné logá Harley-Davidson s grafickými vzormi Veľkosť: 2,54 x 183cm Harley-Davidson® H-D B&S Designer Ribbon Adjustable Leash Nylon leashes feature vibrant, colorfast Harley-Davidson logos with graphic designs Size: 2,54 x 183cm
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.