Majte hlavu dieťaťa zakrytú a využite čo najskoršiu príležitosť na uznanie novej generácie H-D®. Táto dvojbalená súprava obsahuje čiernu pletenú čiapku s oranžovou výšivkou a oranžovú pletenú čiapku s čiernou výšivkou. Keď je logo Bar & Shield® vpredu a v strede, každý uvidí budúceho jazdca vo svojom strede. Sada dvoch balení v praktickej darčekovej taške zo sieťoviny. Ideálne pre bábätká, keď nie je odhalené pohlavie bábätka. Jedna veľkosť je vhodná pre väčšinu novorodencov do 6 mesiacov. Čierna/oranžová. Bavlna. Oblečenie SGI
Keep the baby's head covered and nurture the earliest opportunity to acknowledge the new H-D® generation. This two-pack set includes a black knit cap with orange embroidery, and an orange knit cap with black embroidery. When the Bar & Shield® logo is front and center, everyone will see the future rider in their midst. Two pack set in a convenient mesh gift bag. Perfect for baby showers when the baby's gender is not revealed. One size fits most
Tenisové loptičky Harley-Davidson® pre domáce zvieratá 2-balenie Logo H-D potiahnuté hodvábom Oranžová, čierna a biela Harley-Davidson® tennis balls pet toys 2-Pack Silk-screened H-D logo Orange, Black and White
83102 Modely Harley Davidson 9-dielna sada magnetov v atraktívnom darčekovom balení silné magnety s vysoko kvalitným povrchom veľkosť: 7 x 9,3 x 2 cm 83102 Harley Davidson Models 9-piece magnet set in an attractive gift box strong magnets with high quality surface size: 7 x 9,3 x 2 cm
Harley-Davidson® Oil Drum Beverage Gift Set, Genuine Bar & Shield Logo, HDL-18546. Chill out with a Harley-Davidson® Oil Drum Beverage Gift Set. Snap the insulated Oil Can Beverage Wraps around your favorite can or bottle and pop the top with a custom H-D® Church Key Bottle Opener! Wrap Dimensions: 9.25" (L) x 3.25" (W). HDL-18546 Oil Drum Beverage Gift Set Snap the insulated Oil Can Beverage Wraps around your favorite can or bottle Pop the top with a custom H-D Church Key Bottle Opener Wrap
Keď sa povie motocykel, väčšina ľudí si predstaví motorku typu Harley-Davidson. Je to tým, že Harley-Davidson vyrába archetypálne motocykle, ktoré vyzerajú tak, ako skrytý motorkár v každom z nás cíti, že by motorky vyzerať mali. Skrátka, Harley-Davidson stavia mýtické mašiny. Kniha Harley-Davidson: Kompletní historie je oslavou týchto ikonických strojov. Prináša snímky a obrázky všetkých významných motocyklov, ktoré Harley-Davidson od roku 1903 vyrobil.
Informácie o produkte "Reflexný štítok Harley-Davidson - 12 kusov" CG28001 Reflexný štítok s logom Harley-Davidson® B&S Poskytuje vysokú viditeľnosť pri slabom osvetlení Veľkosť balenia: 15 x 20cm roduct information "Harley-Davidson Reflective Decal - 12 pieces" CG28001 Harley-Davidson® B&S Logo Reflective Decal Provides high visibility in low light Package size: 15 x 20cm
Bottle of red? Bottle of white? You don't live in an OR world -- so how about BOTH!? Grab your friends and open your favorite bottle while you accessorize the occasion with our Harley-Davidson® Oil Drum Wine Gift Set. It includes four Bar & Shield® wine coasters in different colors that slip onto the base of each stemmed wine glass to protect your wood surfaces and to differentiate your guests' glasses. Also included, a bolt shaped bottle stopper to keep the wine fresh between pours, and the oil drum
Harley-Davidson® H-D B&S dizajnérske nastaviteľné vodítko Nylonové vodítka majú živé, stálofarebné logá Harley-Davidson s grafickými vzormi Veľkosť: 2,54 x 183cm Harley-Davidson® H-D B&S Designer Ribbon Adjustable Leash Nylon leashes feature vibrant, colorfast Harley-Davidson logos with graphic designs Size: 2,54 x 183cm
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.