Harley-Davidson Cap Line Beanie Hat 50290038 (Čiapka Harley)

Skvelá zimná čiapka so zadnou výšivkou Harley-Davidson Bratislava Slovakia


Harley-Davidson® Baby Boys' Beanie Biker Booties Set, Orange Black 7050879 ()

Harley-Davidson® súprava chlapčenských čiapok a topánok, 7050879. Pletená čiapka typu „slouchie“ a „motorkárske“ čižmy. Obe zdobia známe logá Bar & Shield. Vyrobené z extrémne mäkkej a ľahkej 100% bavlny. Veľkosť: 0/6M. Perfektný doplnok pre vášho budúceho nadšenca Harley-Davidson®. Súprava čiapok a topánok pre chlapca Harley-Davidson® Vyrobené zo 100% bavlny Pletená čapica „slouchie“ a „motorkárske“ čižmy Zdobené klasickými logami Bar & Shield Oranžová a čierna Číslo dielu výrobcu: 7050879


Kniha Harley-Davidson. Kompletní historie

Keď sa povie motocykel, väčšina ľudí si predstaví motorku typu Harley-Davidson. Je to tým, že Harley-Davidson vyrába archetypálne motocykle, ktoré vyzerajú tak, ako skrytý motorkár v každom z nás cíti, že by motorky vyzerať mali. Skrátka, Harley-Davidson stavia mýtické mašiny. Kniha Harley-Davidson: Kompletní historie je oslavou týchto ikonických strojov. Prináša snímky a obrázky všetkých významných motocyklov, ktoré Harley-Davidson od roku 1903 vyrobil.    


Zippo 25442 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 22199 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 26615 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 26743 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 22044 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 26831 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 21880 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 22996 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 25030 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 25629 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 20965 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 26913 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.


Zippo 22062 Harley-Davidson®

©2019 H-D or its affiliates. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are among the trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. Zippo is a licensee of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
