Did we exercise faith in Christ because we are more intelligent they you are? ask R. C. Sproul in Grace Unknown. Did we respond to the gospel positively because we are better or more virtuous? Autor : R. C. Sproul
Funny how the exceeding of Gods grace seem to run out the moment were saved. From then on, we tend to base our relationship with Him on our performace rather than on His grace. Autor : Jerry Bridges
No one word in all the Bible more fully describes Gods plans and purposes than grace, and no one work more fullz expounds the multifaceted nature of Gods grace than Lewis Sperry Chafers Grace. Autor : Lewis Sperry Chafer
I believe God in His sovereignty has placed this book in your hands! It can be used as His tool for setting you free from misconceptions you have believed for years- trying to be worthy of the grace of God. Autor : Kay Arthur
Nothing, you have ever done, nothing you could ever do, will match the incomparable joy of letting Jesus live His life throught you. Autor : Steve McVey
Of all te visible creatures of te sea, there is in particular whose animal grace, friendliness, and inteligence grip our fancy and inflame our curiosity. Thi is the dolphin, more commonly called the porpoise. Autor : Henry Chapin
Astronaut Neil Amstrong thought they had a fiftyfifty chance of landing on the moon the first time. But Katherine thought differently. She was confident in her numbers. This is the story of the AfricanAmerican women and their amazing maths which helped the US win the space race. Their story was largely unknown until now.
This elougent personal report concerns one of the most remarkable efforts in international charity of our times : the Fellowship of the Leas Coin. Autor : Grace Nies Fletcher
Sedemnásťročná Grace Adamsová v sebaobrane zastrelí vlastného otca a ocitá sa na hrane zákona. Dva roky v Ilinoiskej väznici dovršujú hrôzy mladosti a v boji s brutalitou a násilím pochybných....... Autor: Danielle Steelová
When John MacArthur took aim at cheap grace, he fired a shot that rang throught the Christian world. His crities were quick to respond. Autor : John F. MacArthur, Jr.
Classic / British EnglishDr Jekyll is a London doctor who is liked and respected for his work. Mr Hyde is an evil man, completely unknown in London society. There is a murder and Hyde seems to be responsible. So why does the good doctor give Mr Hyde the key to his house – and decide to leave everything to Mr Hyde in his will?
Jules Verne was a master of adventure stories. He also wanted children to think about nature. This story asks them to wonder what is under the ground and if there is another world there. It is told by a young man, Axel, who with his uncle and a guide go down under the Earth through the crater of a volcano. The children follow them through tunnels and caves to find strange plants and animals and have exciting adventures. Its a story about natural phenomena but also about persistence, initiative and courag
Cd obsahuje piesne: Drive, The great beyond, Grace, Drink (Everlasting love), Stand, Zion, In your light, Just in time, Rome, Soul whispes, Fire on the mountain Bonusové CD obasuhej niektoré piesne v akustickej verzii + interview Autor: Ed Kowalczyk
Classic / British EnglishEdward Prendick is travelling in the South Pacific when his ship goes down. He is saved after many days at sea by another ship, and a passenger, Montgomery, nurses him back to health. Prendick becomes interested in the mystery of Montgomery’s life. Why does he live on an unknown Pacific island? Why is he taking animals there? And should Prendick fear the dark secrets of Montgomery’s master – the even more mysterious Doctor Moreau?
„Tá vzácna milosť, Pane môj, že Tvojím smiem sa stať....“ Túto pieseň (Amazing Grace) spievajú spevácke zbory a veriaci v kostoloch, hrá sa na organoch či iných hudobných nástrojoch, interpretujú ju súčasné popové hviezdy. Je to jedna z
Pozdravte a zoznámte sa s novými kamarátmi v tejto úžasnej knihe s vysoko kontrastnými čiernobielymi obrázkami, ktoré stimulujú a fascinujú malé deti.