Gods Adventurer

Gods Adventurer

Hudson Taylor was still a teenager when God told him to go to China. Alone, broke and even critically ill, he hung on to that goal, and to God who was sending him. Autor : Phyllis Thompson

The Sovereignty of God

The Sovereignty of God

Present day conditions, writes the author, call loudly for a new examination and new presentation of Gods omnipotence, Gods sufficiency, Gods sovereignty. Autor : A. W. Pink

Selected Sermons

Selected Sermons

I love Gods preachers. I thank God is for my preacher friends. I dare not touch Gods anointed. But I do not besitate to say that the dirties gang of thieves this side of hell are the Gospel-denying. Autor : Oliver B. Greene



No one word in all the Bible more fully describes Gods plans and purposes than grace, and no one work more fullz expounds the multifaceted nature of Gods grace than Lewis Sperry Chafers Grace. Autor : Lewis Sperry Chafer

Investing Gods World

Investing Gods World

Do you like a good mystery? If so, you will enjoy studying science this year, for a scientist is like a detective searching for law and order as he or she investigates the mysteries of Gods creation. You can share the work of the scientist by opening your eyes and investigating the things that you see every day. Autor : Laurel Hicks, Georgy Rickard, Julie Rickard, Stephen Mclister, Matilda Nordvedt

You Promised, Lord

You Promised, Lord

Joshua was a great soldier. He led the people of Israel into their promised land. He fought the battle of Jericho when the walls came tumbling down. He helped Gods people defeat their enemies. At the end of this Joshua life reminded Gods people : The Lord your God has given you all the good things that he promised. Every promise he made has been kept; not one has failed . Autor : Ron Klug

More to be Desired than Gold

More to be Desired than Gold

Countless succesful preachers of the Gospel have used illustrations to help listeners better understand and come to experience Gods presence in their everyday lives. Autor : Christy Wilson. Jr.

Math Lessons Guide

Math Lessons Guide

As Christian parents and teachrs, we can all agree that when it comes to spiritual truths, we ought to be teaching Gods precepts for a very early age, when a childs value base is first beginning to develop.

Gods Gift of Language C

Gods Gift of Language C

Have you been at sea on a windy day, When the waters blue, And the sky is too, And showers of spray, Come sweeping the decks, And the sea is dotted, Withe little flecks, Of foam, like daisies gay. Autor : Phyllis Rand

Transforming Grace

Transforming Grace

Funny how the exceeding of Gods grace seem to run out the moment were saved. From then on, we tend to base our relationship with Him on our performace rather than on His grace. Autor : Jerry Bridges

Praise A Door to Gods Presence

Praise A Door to Gods Presence

Enjoy God? Few Christians really do. At least in the same sense we enjoy our childern, our spouses, or our friends. God seems too big, too remote. Yet we want to enjoy God. And we can. Deep enjoyment of God is not dependent on some mystical experience.

Making sense

Making sense

Bob Horn looks at many practical everyday issues and shows how they fit into Gods perspective on life. As we find sense in living as Christians, we will be the stronger for it. Autor : Bob Horn

Gods Waiting Room

Gods Waiting Room

About two years ago my wife was in California hospital. Each time I went to visit her, I entered throught the emergeny entrance, where I passed a large waiting room. Autor : Rick Yohn

Gods Outlaw

Gods Outlaw

The biography has every ingredient of a thrilling story - king cardinal, secret agents, betrayer and fugitive. It ist set in the colorful and cruel days of Henry VII when men were burned, racked and mained for lesser crimes than that of smuggling the Bible into England. Autor : Brian H. Edwards

Shared life. The Trinity and the Fellowship of Gods People

Shared life. The Trinity and the Fellowship of Gods People

The doctorine of the Trinity is not simply something to be believed, but something that ought to affect our lives profoundly , says Donald Macleod in this useful book that teaches us about the concept and implications of the doctorine of the Trinity. Autor : Donald Macleod
