Fairyland Starter - activity book

**Fairyland Starter - pracovný zošit**

Pracovný zošit Fairyland Starter je ideálnym nástrojom na rozvoj jazykových schopností detí, ktoré sa začínajú učiť angličtinu. Tento pestrofarebný pracovný zošit je navrhnutý tak, aby zabával a zároveň vzdelával malých študentov prostredníctvom rôznych zaujímavých aktivít. Každá aktivita je starostlivo vytvorená ako podpora učiva z jednotlivých lekcií, čím pomáha upevniť a osvojiť si jazykové zručnosti.

Pracovný zošit obsahuje rozmanité úlohy, ktoré sú plné kreativity a zábavy. Deti sa môžu tešiť na rôzne cvičenia, ako sú krížovky, maľovanky, spojovačky a hádanky, ktoré stimulujú ich zvedavosť a podporujú aktívne učenie. Každý úkol v pracovnom zošite je zameraný na precvičovanie slovnej zásoby a gramatiky, čo zabezpečuje, že si deti osvojí nové vedomosti hravou formou.

Rovnako ako v triede, aj doma môžu deti využívať tento pracovný zošit na rozšírenie svojich jazykových schopností. Je ideálnym variantom na domáce úlohy, ktoré podporujú samostatnosť a zodpovednosť. Rodičia môžu byť aktívne zapojení do procesu učenia, pretože pracovný zošit ponúka mnoho možností na diskusiu a spoluprácu s deťmi.

Fairyland Starter - pracovný zošit je navrhnutý s ohľadom na vekovú skupinu detí, čím zaručuje, že úlohy sú primerané a povzbudzujúce. S jeho pomocou sa deti nielen učia angličtinu, ale aj rozvíjajú svoju kreativitu, logické myslenie a schopnosť spolupracovať. Pracovný zošit je nedoceniteľným pomocníkom pre učiteľov i rodičov v snahe motivovať deti k učenia sa nového jazyka a objavovaniu čarovného sveta Fairyland.

Investujte do vzdelania svojich detí a zabezpečte im zábavný a efektívny spôsob, ako ovládnuť angličtinu pomocou pracovného zošita Fairyland Starter!


Fairyland 3 - activity book

The Activity Book is in fullcolour and consists of six modules of twelve pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework, upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupils Book.


Fairyland 4 - activity book

The Activity Book is in fullcolour and consists of six modules of six pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework, upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupils Book. It aims to consolidate the language that appears in the Pupils Book through various exercises incorporating all four skills.


Fairyland 2 - activity book + interactive eBook

The Activity Book is in full colour and contains fun activities, which consolidate the language taught in each unit. The Activity Book can be used either in the class or for homework.


Fairyland 1 - activity book + interactive eBook (CZ)

The Activity Book is in full colour and contains fun activities, which consolidate the language taught in each unit. The Activity Book can be used either in the class or for homework.


Fairyland 4 - activity book + interactive eBook (SK)

The Activity Book is in fullcolour and consists of six modules of six pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework, upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupils Book. It aims to consolidate the language that appears in the Pupils Book through various exercises incorporating all four skills.


Fairyland Starter - teacher´s book

The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.


Fairyland Starter - teacher´s book (with posters)

The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.


Fairyland 3 - class audio CDs (3)

The Class CDs include all the recordings for the listening activities in the Pupils Book, Activity Book and the Module Tests. The teacher can also find the recordings for the Fairyland Alphabet Book should he decide to use it.


Fairyland Starter - pupil´s book

Fairyland Starter is a course for young learners of English. Pupils follow the adventures of Woody and Frosty and their friends from the Magic Forest. New language is presented in a clear and effective way by means of lively dialogues, songs, games and listening activities. The pupils book contains four modules in eight units.


Fairyland 3 - teacher´s book (interleaved)

The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.


Fairyland 2 - teacher´s book with posters (interleaved)

The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.


Fairyland 1 - teacher´s book with posters (interleaved)

The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.


Sail Away ! 2 - Activity Book

The Activity Book is in fullcolour and consists of five modules of four pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupils Book. It aims to consolidate the language that appears in the Pupils Book through various exercises on all four skills.


Fairyland Starter - pupil´s book + pupil´s CD

Fairyland 3 is a course for young learners of English. New language is presented in context through lively dialogues. A variety of functional exercises, songs and games help pupils practise the key language in a memorable and enjoyable way. Fairyland 3 comprises six modules. Each module consists of two units. It is aimed at pupils who come under the category of A1, Basic User. The Pupils CD includes the chants, songs, dialogues and texts so that the pupils can listen to them at home, thus improving their


Fairyland 6 - activity book

In Fairyland 5 6 the pupils the characters are given special powers by their magic friends in order to help the world around them. ELF, an electronic life force, joins them in their quest. Key Features captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue students catchy songs and chants inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote values and active learning crosscurricular crosscultural sections green sections, promoting respect for the environment Myths Legends a fascinated sect
