Enjoying The Presence of God

Enjoying The Presence of God

Most Christians could tell you a ot about God. Were familiar with His attributes, His character, His actions, and so on. But do we really know God ? Are we comfortable just wasting time is His presence ? Autor : Jan Johnson

More to be Desired than Gold

More to be Desired than Gold

Countless succesful preachers of the Gospel have used illustrations to help listeners better understand and come to experience Gods presence in their everyday lives. Autor : Christy Wilson. Jr.

Praise A Door to Gods Presence

Praise A Door to Gods Presence

Enjoy God? Few Christians really do. At least in the same sense we enjoy our childern, our spouses, or our friends. God seems too big, too remote. Yet we want to enjoy God. And we can. Deep enjoyment of God is not dependent on some mystical experience.


ELI - A - hra - Triboo

WHAT IS IT? Triboo is a useful and challenging game based on the exchange of questions and answers, using keywords and clues to guess in the English language. LANGUAGE AIMS The game allows students to learn and revise vocabulary, cultural and interdisciplinary elements of the English language. CONTENTS The game includes 132 cards divided into six decks corresponding to six vocabulary and disciplinary categories Science, History, Geography, Sport, Entertainment, Art and Literature. Other conten
