ELI - A - Teen 3 - David Copperfield - readers + CD

The story traces the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity.

In this Reader you will find
information about Charles Dickens

Family Friendship Love Adventure

David Copperfield looks back on the first twentyfive years of his life. He is only eight years old when his mother, a young pretty widow, remarries. Unfortunately Mr Murdstone is not a good husband or father. David is sent away to school and only returns home when tragedy strikes. Unloved and unwanted, he is sent to work in a
factory. But David is a resourceful boy and determines to find a better life for himself.

Present simple states, habits, Past simple
finished time, Past continuous actions
in progress at a specific time, in past,
interrupted actions, Present perfect
simple indefinite past, unfinished past,
Past perfect narrative, Futures
willshall, present continuous
Verb forms
Imperatives, Passives present, past
simple, Gerunds after verbs, prepositions
Conditionals 1st conditional possible
presentfuture, 2nd conditional
hypothetical presentfuture
Reported speech
statements, questions, commands
Can, could ability, permission, May, might
possibility, permission, Must, have to
obligation, Defining, nondefining clauses,
Purpose clauses
So adjective, such (a) adjective noun

Pearson English Readers: David Copperfield + Audio CD (Charles Dickens)

Pearson English Readers: David Copperfield + Audio CD (Charles Dickens)

Classic / British EnglishDavid Copperfield’s happy life suddenly changes when his mother marries again. Her new husband is cruel to him and sends him away to school. When David’s mother dies, he is sent to work in London. He hates his job so he runs away. He has no money for food or for travelling. But it is the beginning of his life of adventure. This Pack contains a Book and MP3


Classic Readers 3 David Copperfield - Teacher´s Book (overprinted)

Přitažlivý způsob výuky angličtiny, výukový komplet kniha s aktivitami v kombinaci s CD nabízí širokou škálu využití ve vyučování, velmi vhodné i pro samostudium. Úroveň 3 středně pokročilí. His father dies before David is born, but he is a very happy young boy until his mother marries cruel Mr Murdstone. This is only the first of many changes, both good and bad, that David faces as he grows up and finally becomes a famous writer. This wellloved story invites us to share Davids happiness and sorrow, an


Classic Readers 3 David Copperfield - Reader s aktivitami + audio CD

Přitažlivý způsob výuky angličtiny, výukový komplet kniha s aktivitami v kombinaci s CD nabízí širokou škálu využití ve vyučování, velmi vhodné i pro samostudium. Úroveň 3 středně pokročilí. His father dies before David is born, but he is a very happy young boy until his mother marries cruel Mr Murdstone. This is only the first of many changes, both good and bad, that David faces as he grows up and finally becomes a famous writer. This wellloved story invites us to share Davids happiness and sorrow, an


Illustrated Readers 3 David Copperfield - Reader

Klasické povídky představují přitažlivý způsob výuky angličtiny. Výukový komplet knihy, pracovního sešitu, audiokazety nebo audio CD nabízí širokou škálu využití ve vyučování. Vhodné i pro samostudium. Kniha pro učitele obsahuje odpovědi ke cvičením v pracovním sešitu, dva závěrečné testy s klíčem a výukový plán.


ELI - A - Teen 1 - The Canterbury Tales - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Teen ELi Readers Stage 1 ELi Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classics and speciallywritten stories for learners of English Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales In 1387, a group of people went to Canterbury. On their way, they told stories. The stories were exciting and interesting. They helped the group to enjoy their time travelling. But these stories do not only tell us about the past. They are stories that anybody can read and enjoy today. And they are stories that can teach us

Dýka a kříž

Dýka a kříž

Životní příběh jednoho kazatele, který přinesl poselství kříže do světa ve kterém se řeší problémy dýkou.David Wilkerson se stal zakladatelem Teen Challenge. Dnes Teen Challenge působí ve více než 93 zemích světa a zachraňuje desetitisíce

Pearson English Readers: Kidnapped  (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Kidnapped (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishAfter his parents die, young David Balfour goes to the house of his uncle Ebenezer. But his uncle is a dangerous man. When he puts David on a ship to America, a difficult and dangerous time begins. But who is the stranger on the ship? Can he help David?


ELI - A - Teen 2 - Egghead - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Hello! My name is Michael, and this is my secret diary. Well, its not really a secret, because I want you to read it. This is my story, but its also everybodys story. Look at the picture on the front of this book. Thats me! Im going to school, and Im not very happy about it. The other children are not very kind to me. But Ive got a very special friend who always helps me. Do you want to know more? Well, open the book and read it. I hope you enjoy it.


ELI - A - Teen 1 - The Wind in the Willows - readers (do vyprodání zásob)

Toad is never happy to sit at home and do nothing. He likes adventure and fun. Sometimes things go wrong, but he is a lucky Toad. He has the most important thing that anyone can have. He has friends. He has Rat, and Mole, and Badger. Follow these four friends around the English countryside. Visit them inside their houses, and travel with them in a car, or on a boat on the river. Listen to the wind in the willows.


ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Tempest - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Prospero lives on a strange island with his daughter Miranda. One night, with his magic powers, he makes a storm to bring his brother and the King of Naples to the island. They must pay for what they did in the past. Ferdinand also arrives on the island and finds a surprise. Read the play and see how the island and Prosperos magic change the lives of these people.

Pearson English Readers: Six Sketches  (Leslie Dunkling | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Six Sketches (Leslie Dunkling | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Original / British EnglishNorma is always right. But has she got the right train tickets? What happens when Mrs Roberts has coffee with Mrs Price? And is David ready for his wedding? The answers are in these six sketches.

Pearson English Readers: Six Sketches + Audio CD  (Leslie Dunkling | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Six Sketches + Audio CD (Leslie Dunkling | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Original / British EnglishNorma is always right. But has she got the right train tickets? What happens when Mrs Roberts has coffee with Mrs Price? And is David ready for his wedding? The answers are in these six sketches.


ELI - A - Teen A2 - Egghead - readers + Downloadable Audio Files (do vyprodání zásob)

A true story of bullying and friendship. Hello! My name is Michael, and this is my secret diary. Well, its not really a secret, because I want you to read it. This is my story, but its also everybodys story. Look at the picture on the front of this book. Thats me! Im going to school, and Im not very happy about it. The other children are not very kind to me. But Ive got a very special friend who always helps me. Do you want to know more? Well, open the book and read it. I hope you enjoy it.


ELI - A - Teen 3 - Expedition Brazil - readers + CD

Niara, Yoshi and Gunnar are the lucky winners of a trip to Brazil. Follow them while travelling around this country. While making a documentary about the country, they will visit the largest city in South America, Săo Paulo, the unbelievable capital, Brasília, lovely Rio de Janeiro, and two natural wonders of the world, the wetlands of Pantanal and the great Amazon rainforest. Nothing could ever prepare these three friends for the new experiences they are about to have.


ELI - A - Teen A1 - The Wind in the Willows - readers + Downloadable Audio Files (do vyprodání zásob)

Toad is never happy to sit at home and do nothing. He likes adventure and fun. Sometimes things go wrong, but he is a lucky Toad. He has the most important thing that anyone can have. He has friends. He has Rat, and Mole, and Badger. Follow these four friends around the English countryside. Visit them inside their houses, and travel with them in a car, or on a boat on the river. Listen to the wind in the willows.
