Elektromobilita - 2-módová (3-F/1-F) malá nabíjacia nástenná stanica pre elektromobil vrátane komunikácie WiFi / GX / VRM a ovládania v režime AUTO/ MANUAL ako zdroj elektrickej energie 3-F AC-400V/50Hz alebo 1-F AC-230V/50Hz v IN/OUT-DOOR prevedení od výrobcu Victron Energy model EV Charging Station 22kW
Typ nabíjania: AC, Výstup AC: Mode 3F 400V/50Hz/22kW/32A alebo Mode 1F 230V/50Hz/7.3kW/6-32A, Konfigurácia: Auto / Manual, Typ nabíjacieho konektora: Zásuvka Typ2, Druh nabíjania: Režim 3, Komunikácia: ModBUS/ WiFi, Integrácia Victron: GX zariadenie / VRM portal, Rozmery: 390x300x150 mm, Váha: 3,0 kg, Farba: Modrá
POZNÁMKA: Optimálne riešenie s ostrovnými FV systémami Victron Energy !
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Nabíjacia nástenná stanica od výrobcu Victron Energy model EV Charging Station 22kW (Wallbox) poskytuje na mieru šité, inteligentné a v cloude (systém VRM) pripojené riešenie nabíjania elektromobilov vhodné pre každú malú obchodnú prevádzku, rodinný dom či inú lokalitu.
Ako funguje
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New model EVECUBE 2B+ charging station with new features and 5 years warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 2x 3,7kW to 22kW. The new feature is a display that informs about the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New model EVECUBE 2B+ charging station with new features and 5 years warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 2x 3,7kW to 22kW. The new feature is a display that informs about the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!