Chceli by ste až o 90% znížiť pravdepodobnosť ochorenia na každú z týchto neprenosných tzv. civilizačných chorôb : srdcové choroby, diabetes, rakovina, demencia, osteoporóza, artritída, poruchy imunitného systému, alergie, autoimunitné ochorenia, neurovývinové poruchy, duševné ochorenia, depresie, úzkostné stavy? Teda všetko choroby dokázateľne spôsobené chronickým zápalom.
Svoje zdravie máte naozaj vo svojich rukách. Nemusíte zostarnúť predčasne a už vôbec nie s chorobami. Podľa štúdie, ktorú vykonali v USA už v roku 2004 vychádza, že každý druhý človek zomiera na niečo, čomu sa dalo predísť stravou a správnym životným štýlom. U nás to zrejme nebude iné.
V našom tele máme 50 bilionov buniek a každá naša bunka má svoj obal tzv. cytoplazmickú membránu zloženú z tukov. Z ďalšich štúdií vyplýva, že veľmi záleží na tom, aký je pomer omega-6/omega-3 tukov v membránach našich buniek. Ak je 3:1 a menej, ochrana nášho organizmu na bunkovej úrovni pred civilizačnými chorobami výrazne rastie a pravdepodobnosť ich výskytu je pri takomto pomere znížená až o 90% . (Doktorka Artemis Simopoulos - prezidentka centra pre genetiku, výživu a zdravie v Národnom zdravotnom inštitúte vo Washingtone z roku 2008)
The Activity Book is in fullcolour and consists of five modules of four pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupils Book. It aims to consolidate the language that appears in the Pupils Book through various exercises on all four skills.
The Activity Book is in fullcolour and consists of six modules of six pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework, upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupils Book. It aims to consolidate the language that appears in the Pupils Book through various exercises incorporating all four skills.
The Activity Book is in fullcolour and consists of six modules of six pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework, upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupils Book. It aims to consolidate the language that appears in the Pupils Book through various exercises incorporating all four skills.
The Activity Book is in fullcolour and consists of six modules of twelve pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework, upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupils Book.
The Teachers Book provides interleaved stepbystep lesson plans, the answers to the exercises in the Pupils Book, the Activity Book and the Test Booklet and a marking scheme for each test.
The Teachers Book provides interleaved stepbystep lesson plans, the answers to the exercises in the Pupils Book, the Activity Book and the Test Booklet and a marking scheme for each test.
The Teachers Book provides interleaved stepbystep lesson plans, the answers to the exercises in the Pupils Book, the Activity Book and the Test Booklet and a marking scheme for each test.
The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.
The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.
The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.
The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.
The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.
Tony Reinke identifikoval dvanásť účinných spôsobov, ako nás menia naše smartfóny, dobrým aj zlým smerom. Behom niekoľkých rokov od jeho prvého odhalenia sa smartfón stal súčasťou každého jedného dňa našich životov. Nikdy nie je offline,
The Class CDs or Cassettes include all the recordings for the listening activities in the Pupils Book, Activity Book, Story Book and the Test Booklet.
The Class CDs or Cassettes include all the recordings for the listening activities in the Pupils Book, Activity Book, Story Book and the Test Booklet.