Vydavateľ: 2017 HodderIlustrácie: Nick East
Počet strán: 193Náklad: - (Vydanie -)Väzba: brožovaná
Váha: - kgJazyk: anglický
Stav: veľmi pekný, buchnuté rohy, inak v poriadku
PB3 finds that helping isnt always as easy as it seems and its important to think before you act! PB3 and his robot, Robin, are with their Earth friends, Ben and Sue finding out about life at the beach. Suddenly the evil OOs arrive in their spaceship and try to catch them. In their hurry to escape the two ETs dive into the water and discover another world under the sea. In their attempt to help some grey fish they put them in great danger. Ben and Sue help them to understand but can they put the situa
Kúpte 2 alebo viac kusov a ušetrite 5 %! Zľava sa odpočíta v nákupnom košíku. Jedinečná kombinácia aminokyselín v koncentrovaných úrovniach. Kolagén Great Lakes vyrobený z JEDNEJ jednoduchej zložky je výživovým doplnkom s prospešnou kombináciou aminokyselín.
Kúpte 2 alebo viac kusov a ušetrite 5 %! Zľava sa odpočíta v nákupnom košíku. Jedinečná kombinácia aminokyselín v koncentrovaných úrovniach. Kolagén Great Lakes vyrobený z JEDNEJ jednoduchej zložky je výživovým doplnkom s prospešnou kombináciou aminokyselín.
Tintin is always looking for adventure! So when he finds a scroll in a model ship he decides to find out more. But Tintins curiosity gets him into trouble and soon he and his dog Snowy are captured aboard the Karaboudjan. Can they escape from the evil Sakharine?
Just hearing the world can bring visions of exciting plays, great players, hot dogs, soda pop and peanuts in the stands and a great afternoon of fun. Autor : Amanda Bennett
The Great and Terrible Quest is the exciting, engrossing, enchanting story of a quick-witted orphan who risks his life to join a mysterious, wounded knight on a quest for... Autor : Margret Lovett
Přitažlivý způsob výuky angličtiny, výukový komplet kniha s aktivitami v kombinaci s CD nabízí širokou škálu využití ve vyučování, velmi vhodné i pro samostudium. Young Ishmael sets out on the whaling ship Pequod hoping to free himself from his earthly anger and sorrow. But the mad Captain Ahab, who hunts for the whale that tore off his leg, heads the great ship into dangerous waters. Will the Pequod return safely? Or will Ahabs obsession with his mortal enemy and in death? Herman Melvilless fearsome adv
The research summarized in this volume was often complex and demanding, and would not have been possible without the talents and enthusiastic support of a great many friends and colleagues.
A person does not suddenly become a good American citizen when he reaches adulthood. Each child needs to be taught day by day the principles that made our country great.
A person does not suddenly become a good American citizen when he reaches adulthood. Each child needs to be taght day by day the princles that made our country great.
It stands unconquered, the last great summit of the Alps. Only one man has ever dared to approach the top, and thath man died in his pursuit. Autor : James Ramsey Ullman
To have ones ship sunk by a submarine, to suffer an aerial bombardment in London, and to experience the shelling of Paris by the great long-range guns of the Germans.
Příběh malého Pipa začíná v bažinatém kraji Kentu. Když tam jednou o Vánocích náhodou potká uprchlého vězně, netuší, že se jeho život už brzy navždy změní. Sled úžasných událostí následujících po tomto setkání a tragický, záhadný příběh slečny Havishamové a její krásné, ale chladné adoptivní dcery Estelly činí z Nadějných vyhlídek jedno z nejoblíbenějších děl Charlese Dickense. The story of young Pip starts on marshes of Kent. When he accidentally meets an escaped convict one Christmas Eve, he has no
The doctrine of the Peisthood of all Believers underlines all the great andfareaching religious movements of the last five hundred years. Autor : Cyril Eastwood
Kniha Good to Great, založená na 5-ročnom výskumnom projekte, odpovedá na otázku: Môže sa dobrá spoločnosť stať skvelou, a ak áno, tak ako?