Department of Truth 2: The City Upon a Hill

Department of Truth 2: The City Upon a Hill

Cole Turner, ktorý študoval konšpiračné teórie si nie je istý, či stojí na správnej strane. Úspešný bestseller komiks od uznávaného autora James Tynion IV.

Fell 1 - Feral City

Fell 1 - Feral City

Detective Richard Fell is transferred over the bridge from the big city to Snowtown, a feral district whose police investigations department numbers three and a half people (one detective has no legs).

Puzzle Batman 4D Large Puzzle Gotham City

Puzzle Batman 4D Large Puzzle Gotham City

4D Cityscape now introduces the official puzzle guide for Batman Gotham City, based on DC Comic’s famous Batman Comic Series. This puzzle will guide players through the assembly of the official DC map of Gotham City in a patented multi-layer design. The first layer is a 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzle that will teach you all about the various locations and regions of Gotham City. The second layer is an artistic 200+ pieces jigsaw puzzle that replicates the night landscape based on DC Comics official map of Goth

Truth Or Drink

Truth Or Drink

Zábavná spoločenská párty hra pre dospelých Truth or Drink. Pre 3-8 hráčov. Medzi vami a vašou pravdou stojí len fľaša. Odhaľte svoje tajomstvá alebo sa napite.

City of Nightmares [Schaeffer Rebecca] (City of Nightmares #1)

City of Nightmares [Schaeffer Rebecca] (City of Nightmares #1)

Gotham meets Strange the Dreamer in this thrilling young adult fantasy about a cowardly girl who finds herself at the center of a criminal syndicate conspiracy, in a city where crooked politicians and sinister cults reign and dreaming means waking up as your worst nightmare. Ever since her sister became a man-eating spider and slaughtered her way through town, nineteen-year-old Ness has been terrified—terrified of some other Nightmare murdering her, and terrified of ending up like her sister. Because in N

Truth or Drink CZ/SK

Truth or Drink CZ/SK

Truth or Drink je populárna kartová hra založená na rovnomennej video sérii na Youtube s miliónmi zhliadnutí. Má veľmi jednoduché pravidlá, a preto je vhodná pre príležitostných hráčov aj nehráčov od 18 rokov, ktorým zaručuje skvelú zábavu plnú úprimnosti.Truth or Drink je populárna kartová hra založená na rovnomennej video sérii na Youtube s miliónmi zhliadnutí. Má veľmi jednoduché pravidlá, a preto je vhodná pre príležitostných hráčov aj nehráčov od 18 rokov, ktorým zaručuje skvelú zábavu plnú úprimnost

Seven Faceless Saints [Lobb M.K.] (Seven Faceless Saints #1)

Seven Faceless Saints [Lobb M.K.] (Seven Faceless Saints #1)

In the city of Ombrazia, saints and their disciples rule with a terrifying power, playing favorites while the unfavored struggle to survive. Rossana Lacertosa doesn’t believe in saints. After her father’s murder at the hands of the Ombrazia military, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to dismantle the corrupt system. Even if she has to pay for it in blood—or face the boy who broke her heart. Damian Venturi is sworn to protect the city. As the youngest captain of the Palazzo security in history, Damian

Pop! Rocks - Cypress Hill - B-Real as Dr. Greenthumb

Pop! Rocks - Cypress Hill - B-Real as Dr. Greenthumb

Cypresss Hill je americká hip-hopová skupina z mesta South Gate v Kalifornii. Bola prvou latin hip-hopovou skupinou, ktorá mala platinové a multi-platinové albumy.   Hmotnosť: 140g Kód produktu: FK61442

Rozšírenie HeroQuest - Zbierka hrdinov: Cesta potulného mnícha (SK)

Rozšírenie HeroQuest - Zbierka hrdinov: Cesta potulného mnícha (SK)

Rozšírenie v anglickom jazyku od Avalon Hill pre fantasy stolovú hru HeroQuest - Hero Collection: Path of the Wandering Monk pre 2-5 hráčov od 14 rokov.

Funko POP! Goodfellas: Henry Hill

Funko POP! Goodfellas: Henry Hill

Henry Hill z ikonického mafiánskeho filmu Goodfellas v podobe zberateľskej Funko POP postavičky. Obohaťte si svoju zbierku alebo darujte figúrku ako darček.

Silent Hill 2 Figma akčná figúrka Red Pyramid Thing 20 cm

Silent Hill 2 Figma akčná figúrka Red Pyramid Thing 20 cm

Z videohry Silent Hill 2 prichádza táto veľmi detailná a super polohovateľná akčná figúrka Red Pyramid Thing. Figúrka má výšku cca. 20 cm a dodáva sa s príslušenstvom a stojanom.    Kód produktu: FREE29973

Silent Hill 2 Figma akčná figúrka Bubble Head Nurse 15 cm

Silent Hill 2 Figma akčná figúrka Bubble Head Nurse 15 cm

Z videohry Silent Hill 2 prichádza táto veľmi detailná a super polohovateľná akčná figúrka Bubble Head Nurse. Figúrka má výšku cca. 15 cm a dodáva sa s príslušenstvom a stojanom.    Kód produktu: FREE29974

Na plný plyn [Hill Joe]

Na plný plyn [Hill Joe]

V této mistrovské sbírce třinácti krátkých napínavých povídek Joe Hill rozebírá tematiku nikdy nekončících bojů, které musí lidé svádět. Součástí knihy je i povídka „Ve vysoké trávě“, jedna ze dvou povídek, napsanýchc společně se Stephenem Kingem, která se stala základem pro děsivý celovečerní film natočený pro Netflix.

Na plný plyn [Hill Joe]

Na plný plyn [Hill Joe]

V této mistrovské sbírce třinácti krátkých napínavých povídek Joe Hill rozebírá tematiku nikdy nekončících bojů, které musí lidé svádět. Součástí knihy je i povídka „Ve vysoké trávě“, jedna ze dvou povídek, napsanýchc společně se Stephenem Kingem, která se stala základem pro děsivý celovečerní film natočený pro Netflix.

A - Highlord - Black Magician 3 [Canavan Trudi]

A - Highlord - Black Magician 3 [Canavan Trudi]

Bazárový tovar! In the city of Imardin, where those who wield magic wield power, a young street-girl, adopted by the Magician's Guild, finds herself at the centre of a terrible plot that may destroy the entire world ...Sonea has learned much at the magicians' guild and the other novices now treat her with a grudging respect. But she cannot forget what she witnessed in the High Lord's underground room - or his warning that the realm's ancient enemy is growing in power once more. As Sonea learns more, she b

A - Highlord - Black Magician 3 [Canavan Trudi]

A - Highlord - Black Magician 3 [Canavan Trudi]

Bazárový tovar! In the city of Imardin, where those who wield magic wield power, a young street-girl, adopted by the Magician's Guild, finds herself at the centre of a terrible plot that may destroy the entire world ...Sonea has learned much at the magicians' guild and the other novices now treat her with a grudging respect. But she cannot forget what she witnessed in the High Lord's underground room - or his warning that the realm's ancient enemy is growing in power once more. As Sonea learns more, she b
