Death Note Playing Cards

Death Note Playing Cards

Sada 54 hracích (žolíkových) kariet s ilustráciami populárnych postáv z mangy a anime Death Note v štýlovej plechovej krabičke. Originálny darček pre fanúšika.

Joking Hazard Deck Enhancement 2

Joking Hazard Deck Enhancement 2

Cards cards cards. Cards cards? Cards cards cards cards cards. Cards cards, cards cards cards cards. Cards cards cards cards cards cards! CARDS! Features: Cards. Cards? Cards. Cards cards! CARDS. CARDS. Cards.

Joking Hazard Deck Enhancement 2

Joking Hazard Deck Enhancement 2

Cards cards cards. Cards cards? Cards cards cards cards cards. Cards cards, cards cards cards cards. Cards cards cards cards cards cards! CARDS! Features: Cards. Cards? Cards. Cards cards! CARDS. CARDS. Cards.

Whisky Lover's Playing Cards EN - kartová hra

Whisky Lover's Playing Cards EN - kartová hra

Whisky lovers raise a glass to the Whisky Lover's Playing Cards from Ridley's Games! Toast to the classic Scottish Gaelic 'water of life' tipple by savouring the rich, oaky tasting notes while playing a hand or two of a classic card game. From ingredients to tasting notes, these hand illustrated playing cards feature a variety of popular whisky regions and cocktails! Comes in whisky bottle shaped tin packaging. Swap-out the traditional for these fun whisky-themed playing cards and start your card game. .

Whisky Lover's Playing Cards EN - kartová hra

Whisky Lover's Playing Cards EN - kartová hra

Whisky lovers raise a glass to the Whisky Lover's Playing Cards from Ridley's Games! Toast to the classic Scottish Gaelic 'water of life' tipple by savouring the rich, oaky tasting notes while playing a hand or two of a classic card game. From ingredients to tasting notes, these hand illustrated playing cards feature a variety of popular whisky regions and cocktails! Comes in whisky bottle shaped tin packaging. Swap-out the traditional for these fun whisky-themed playing cards and start your card game. .

Death Note Zápisník smrti: Povídky

Death Note Zápisník smrti: Povídky

Dodatočná kniha príbehov k populárnej manga a anime sérii Death Note. Zoskupuje príbehy, ktoré sa diali pred, počas aj po udalostiach hlavného deja Death Note.

Death Note Mug Šálka 415 ml

Death Note Mug Šálka 415 ml

Keramická šálka s motívom populárnej mangy a anime Death Note. Na hrnčeku je silueta Ryuka a nápis Death Note. Objem 415 ml. Urobte radosť sebe alebo blízkemu.

Death Note Light & Death Note Posters 2-Pack 52 x 38 cm

Death Note Light & Death Note Posters 2-Pack 52 x 38 cm

Sada dvoch jedinečných plagátov s motívom Death Note anime a manga série. Oficiálne licencované. Ozdobte steny v svojej izbe, obývačke či kancelárii v anime štýle.

Death Note Nálepky Death Note Icons 2-Pack (16 x 11cm)

Death Note Nálepky Death Note Icons 2-Pack (16 x 11cm)

Sada nálepiek inšpirovaných manga a anime sériou Death Note. Nalepte si Ryuka, L-a, Kiru a iné symboly na notebook, počítač, mobil alebo kamkoľvek inde.

Death Note Short Stories

Death Note Short Stories

Doplnková manga s podtitulom Death Note Short Stories prináša bonusové príbehy k jednej z najpopulárnejších manga a anime sérií Death Note (Zápisník smrti).

Death Note: Another Note - The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases

Death Note: Another Note - The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases

Doplnkový príbeh k jednej z najznámejších manga a anime sérií Death Note (Zápisník smrti) opisuje sériu vrážd v LA a na scénu opäť prichádza detektív L. Podarí sa mu prísť na koreň tejto záhade? 

Death Note L & Group Posters 2-Pack 52 x 38 cm

Death Note L & Group Posters 2-Pack 52 x 38 cm

Sada dvoch jedinečných plagátov s motívom obľúbenej anime a manga Death Note. 

Death Note Protagonists Poster 91,5 x 61 cm

Death Note Protagonists Poster 91,5 x 61 cm

Oficiálne licencovaný plagát s postavami z manga a anime Death Note. Jedinečná dekorácia na stenu do detskej izby. Precízna tlač na kvalitnom papieri.

Death Note: L, Change the World

Death Note: L, Change the World

Nádherný zápisník s fóliovým prebalom zo sveta obľúbenej anime a manga série Death Note.

Odznak Death Note Pin Badges 5-Pack Characters

Odznak Death Note Pin Badges 5-Pack Characters

Odznaky s motívom Death Note. Priemer odznakov: 4 x 2,5 cm 1 x 3,8 cm

Death Note Rules Poster 91,5 x 61 cm

Death Note Rules Poster 91,5 x 61 cm

Originálny plagát s motívom pravidiel zápisníka smrti z manga a anime Death Note. Jedinečná dekorácia na stenu do detskej izby. Skvelý darček pre fanúäšika.
