Poklady gotiky v sochárskom umení východného Slovenska
Textová časť tejto knihy pozostáva z 24 kapitol. Zachytávajú nesmierne cenné vyobrazenia ukrižovaného Krista, prípadne súbory drevených plastík zobrazujúcich scénu Ježišovho
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learners English Dictionary offers detailed treatment of todays language. Based on the evidence from the Bank of English corpus, which now contains over 524 million words, the fifth edition contains the most important new words and meanings which have come into the language over the past two years, as well as thousands of new, updated examples, taken directly from the corpus.
URČENÉ NA LITURGICKÉ ÚČELY Polosladké, 2015 Obsah alk. 10 %
Kniha Oh, Maria je ľahké čítanie pre mládež s kriminálnou zápletkou, súčasťou je mierne skrátená posluchová verzia na mini-CD. Hlavnou postavou je detektív Helmut Müller, ktorý vyšetruje najrôznejšie prípady. Helmut Müller sníva o svojej starej priateľke. Prekvapivo ju stretne v lietadle do Mníchova, ale ... Oh, Maria!
Kniha Oh, Maria je ľahké čítanie pre mládež s kriminálnou zápletkou, súčasťou je mierne skrátená posluchová verzia na mini-CD. Hlavnou postavou je detektív Helmut Müller, ktorý vyšetruje najrôznejšie prípady. Helmut Müller sníva o svojej starej priateľke. Prekvapivo ju stretne v lietadle do Mníchova, ale ... Oh, Maria!
Vydavateľ: 2002 JuniorPreklad: Mária SmolárikováVerše: Mária Štefánková Počet strán: 56Náklad: - (Vydanie -)Väzba: tvrdá, bez prebalu Váha: - kg Stav: veľmi pekný, buchnuté rohy, iinak v poriadku
Pod názvom za španielskou stenou sa skrývajú tri detektívne príbehy spoločné dielo najlepších anglických spisovateľov. Ide o zaujímavý pokus, pri ktorom každu kapitolu napísal iní autor. Autor: Sayersová,Christi,Dane,Bentley,Berkeley,Walpole,Crofts,Williams,Jesseová,Amstrong,Hume a Chancellor
Collins COBUILD International Business English Dictionary is the ideal reference for anybody who uses English for business. It contains all the words and phrases you need to succeed in todays business word and to communicate with confidence in every situation. Collins COBUILD International Business English Dictionary contains uptodate information on all the words and phrases used in international business, in both American and British English. As well as key business terms, the dictionary also contains a
V Gasiorowského románe Maria a Napoleon ide o ľúbostné dobrodružstvo Napoleona s dámou z poľskej spoločnosti.Dvadsaťročná vidiecka šľachtičná je vydatá za senilného,smiešne márnivého a náladového aristokrata.Vo Varšave sa táto vnútorne čistá,ale v podstate naivná žena stretne s falošnou pozlátkou sveta salónov,ktorý jej však zostáva cudzí. Autor: Waclaw Gasiorowski
Collins Work on your Vocabulary PreIntermediate (A2) is a new practice book that covers the key vocabulary needed by learners of English at PreIntermediate level (CEF level A2). This book is an essential resource for learners who want to improve their English vocabulary. Each of the 30 units presents vocabulary relating to a particular topic using clear language and examples. This is followed by practice exercises to ensure the learner will remember and be able to use what they have learnt with confiden
Collins Work on your Vocabulary Elementary (A1) is a new practice book that covers the key vocabulary needed by learners of English at Elementary level (CEF level A1). This book is an essential resource for learners who want to improve their English vocabulary. Each of the 30 units presents vocabulary relating to a particular topic using clear language and examples. This is followed by practice exercises to ensure the learner will remember and be able to use what they have learnt with confidence in thei
Jens Peter Jacobsen (1847-1885) je jeden z najvýznamnejších autorov dánskej literatúry minulého storočia. V románe Pani Mária Grubbeová autor spracúva známy historický námet zo 17.storočia o osudoch šľachtickej dcéry, ktorá dosiahla vysoké postavenie ako manželka kráľovského miestodržiteľa v Nórsku, ale ................... Autor: Jens Peter Jacobsen
The fifth edition of this innovative approach to English Medieval Studies offers an expanded corpus of Old and Middle English texts. The selection from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle now includes entries recording Viking raids during the second half of the ninth century. Readers and students interested in Middle English lyrics will find two additional poems which demonstrate clearly that medieval literary production was not exclusively concerned with texts mirroring conservative moral standards.
To read fluently in all situations you need to practise reading different kinds of texts. Collins Reading presents 20 different texts with exercises to help you develop the skills to read anything you come across. Reading features authentic texts and a wide variety of styles to help you develop your reading skills, such as reading for general understanding and reading for detail. Featured texts include signs and labels advertisements newspapers brochures recipes classic and modern novels
To write confidently in English you need to practise different styles of written English. Collins Writing helps you recognize different styles and choose the right language to get your message across. The twenty units focus on a wide variety of texts so that you can feel just as comfortable writing a postcard or using social media online. Learn to write as fluently as you speak, use the right tone, and use persuasive language to get the response you need. Featured writing styles include online review
Za horami, za dolami, kde bolo moc skál, kde sa voda sypala a piesok sa lial - bol raz jeden domček. V domčeku bývali chudobní rodičia a mali dve utešené deti. Autor: Mária Rázusová - Martáková