Učebnica je určená študentom študijného programu obchodná akadémia-bilingválne štúdium a príbuzné študijné programu v rámci skupiny 63-EKONOMIKA A ORGANIZÁCIA, OBCHOD A SLUŽBY I.
Jej hlavným cieľom je objasniť podstatu ekonomickej teórie a základných aktivít podniku v Slovenskej republike.
Vydavateľstvo: GEORG,ŽILINA
Rozmery: 175x250mm, počet strán: 104, mäkká väzba, hmotnosť:0,208kg
ISBN:9788081542572 Cena: 9,99EUR
Učebnica je určená študentom študijného programu obchodná akadémia-bilingválne štúdium a príbuzné študijné programu v rámci skupiny 63-EKONOMIKA A ORGANIZÁCIA, OBCHOD A SLUŽBY I. Učebnica poskytuje teoretické a praktické informácie z oblasti ekonómie a podnikania, zamerané na výrobu, tuzemský a zahraničný obchod, medzinárodný platobný styk, daňovú sústavu Slovenskej republiky a národné hospodárstvo. Vydavateľstvo: GEORG,ŽILINA Rozmery: 175x250mm, počet strán: 201, mäkká väzba, hmotnosť:0,380kg ISBN:978808
Učebnica je určená študentom študijného programu obchodná akadémia-bilingválne štúdium a príbuzné študijné programu v rámci skupiny 63-EKONOMIKA A ORGANIZÁCIA, OBCHOD A SLUŽBY I. Ďalšími cieľovými skupinami sú študenti vysokých škôl študujúci v ekonomických, podnikateľských a príbuzných odborov, ako aj pedagógovia, výskumníci, riadiaci pracovníci a široká odborná verejnosť. Vydavateľstvo: GEORG , ŽILINA Rozmery: 180x250 mm, počet strán :131, mäkká väzba, hmotnosť:0,262kg ISBN: 9788081542558, Cena:12,99 EU
A Christians view of civil goverment must always steandly and consistenly hold to the fact that uman society is a society of fallen begins, under the just judgement of God.
William Blake was an abscure craftman, an engraver who lived all his outwardly uneventful life in London during the latter part of the eighteenth century and the early part of the nineteenth. Autor : James Daugherty
John Schwarz spent his working life in the corporate business world. Upon retriment he wetn to seminary, and then to Africa as a misionary. Autor : John Schwarz
Classic / British EnglishGone with the Wind is a great romantic story of love and war and one of the best-selling books of all time. In Part 2, the American Civil War has destroyed Scarlett O’Hara’s comfortable world. Will she lose her home too? Or can she save it and rebuild her life?
Classic / British EnglishGone with the Wind is a story of love and war and one of the best-selling books of all time. Part 1 follows the popular but selfish Scarlett O’Hara, the gentlemanly Ashley Wilkes, and dangerous but charming Rhett Butler as their world is destroyed in the terrible American Civil War.
Jerry Bridges is Vice President for Corporate Affairs of The Navigators. He formerly served as Treasure od The Navigators as well as in Navigatros field ministries in California, Missouri, and Holland. Autor: Jerry Bridges
Revised in this edition to emphasize corporate accounting Financial Accounting covers all the basic concepts and procedures necerssary for understanding the accounting process ant the preparation of financial statements. Autor : Nicholas Dopuch, Jacob G. Birnberg, Joel S. Demski
Bikeline Cycling Guide cykloturistický sprievodca DANUBE BIKE TRAIL 5 - Esterbauer Part 5: From Belgrade to the Black Sea GPS-Tracks spiral bounding local maps height profiles distance 1400 km 200 pages Charakteristika cyklosprievodcu vydavateľom: The fifth part of the Danube Bike Trail begins in Belgrade and ends in Romania on the Black Sea.With a total length of 2,845 kilometres, the Danube is Europe’s second longest river (after the Volga with 3,534 kilometres), and the only one on which kilometres
To teach is to have a part in the transformational nature of the education process. Every teacher in every classroom in every school impacts the lives of students.
Bikeline Cycling Guide cykloturistický sprievodca DANUBE BIKE TRAIL 4 - Esterbauer Part 4: From Budapest to Belgrade On the Beautiful Blue Danube GPS-Tracks spiral bounding local maps height profiles distance 570 km 120 pages Charakteristika cyklosprievodcu vydavateľom: The fourth part of our Danube Bike Trail series begins in the Hungarian capital Budapest and ends in the Serbian capital Belgrade.With a total length of 2,845 kilometers, the Danube is Europe’s second longest river (after the Volga wi
Improve the way you communicate in English when working internationally its as much about how you say it as what you say! You need more than just a good level of English to communicate successfully in international business. Collins Effective International Business Communication gives you clear and practical advice to help you to communicate successfully with colleagues and business partners around the world, using the English you already know. Part 1 will help you with speaking and listening, with prac
This is book abou zoos, not about just one zoo. I work in Wshington D.C., at the National Zoological Park, which is part of the Smithsonian Institution. Autor : John Perry
Despites scores of books on the subject, the why and now of direct U.S. intervention in the Vietnam War remains unclear. The war continues to capture the public interest in part because, looking back, its cost seems exorbitant-and yould seem so even if the United States had won . Autor : H. R. McMaster