

Nowadays its unusual to hear conversations loaded with such words as input and output, and bytes. You could har them used by engineeres in a factory or by fourth graders on a playground. They might be used by farmers or doctors or artists. Autor : Cathrine ONeil

Die Rache des Computers - zjednodušené čítanie A2 v nemčine + CD

Die Rache des Computers - zjednodušené čítanie A2 v nemčine + CD

Zjednodušené čítanie na znalostnej úrovni A2. Čítanie od autorov R. Böttcher, R. Hinz, S. Lang rozpráva o počítačovom fanúšikovi Michaelovi, ktorému sa stane počítačová hra cestou do pekla. Zrazu prestane fungovať myš, nemožno počítač resetovať. Napätie až do tajomného konca je zaručené! Strany reálií knihy sú venované témam: labyrinty a bludiska, chlieb s maslom (Butterbrot), mládež a počítačové hry. Priložené audio-CD obsahuje čítaný text knihy, prípadne aj doplnkových počúvanie (napr. hudobné úryvky),

Die Rache des Computers - zjednodušené čítanie A2 v nemčine + CD

Die Rache des Computers - zjednodušené čítanie A2 v nemčine + CD

Zjednodušené čítanie na znalostnej úrovni A2. Čítanie od autorov R. Böttcher, R. Hinz, S. Lang rozpráva o počítačovom fanúšikovi Michaelovi, ktorému sa stane počítačová hra cestou do pekla. Zrazu prestane fungovať myš, nemožno počítač resetovať. Napätie až do tajomného konca je zaručené! Strany reálií knihy sú venované témam: labyrinty a bludiska, chlieb s maslom (Butterbrot), mládež a počítačové hry. Priložené audio-CD obsahuje čítaný text knihy, prípadne aj doplnkových počúvanie (napr. hudobné úryvky),


Career Paths Secretarial - SB with Digibook App.

Career Paths English Secretarial is a new educational resource for secretarial professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English Secretarial addresses topics including equipment, bookkeeping, business correspondence, communications and computers. The


Career Paths Secretarial - TB+SB+CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Career Paths English Secretarial is a new educational resource for secretarial professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English Secretarial addresses topics including equipment, bookkeeping, business correspondence, communications and computers. The


Career Paths Secretarial - SB+CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Career Paths English Secretarial is a new educational resource for secretarial professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English Secretarial addresses topics including equipment, bookkeeping, business correspondence, communications and computers. The


Career Paths Secretarial - SB Do vyprodání zásob)

Career Paths English Secretarial is a new educational resource for secretarial professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English Secretarial addresses topics including equipment, bookkeeping, business correspondence, communications and computers. The
