Kompletný sprievodca fantasy svetom Plochozeme od Terryho Pratcheta, ktorý oživí krajiny z obľúbených príbehov vďaka bohatým ilustráciám, textom a mape.
This is the Discworld's last continent, a completely separate creation.This is the Discworld's last continent, a completely separate creation.It's hot. It's dry... very dry. There was this thing once called The Wet, which no one now believes in. Practically everything that's not poisonous is venomous. But it's the best bloody place in the world, all right?And it'll die in a few days, except...Who is this hero striding across the red desert? Champion sheep shearer, horse rider, road warrior, beer drinker,
This is the Discworld's last continent, a completely separate creation.This is the Discworld's last continent, a completely separate creation.It's hot. It's dry... very dry. There was this thing once called The Wet, which no one now believes in. Practically everything that's not poisonous is venomous. But it's the best bloody place in the world, all right?And it'll die in a few days, except...Who is this hero striding across the red desert? Champion sheep shearer, horse rider, road warrior, beer drinker,
Being sixteen is always difficult, even more so when there’s a Death in the family. After all, it's hard to grow up normally when Grandfather rides a white horse and wields a scythe. Especially if he decides to take a well-earned moment to uncover the meaning of life and discover himself in the process, so that you have to take over the family business, and everyone mistakes you for the Tooth Fairy. And especially when you have to face the new and addictive music that has entered Discworld. It's lawless.
Being sixteen is always difficult, even more so when there’s a Death in the family. After all, it's hard to grow up normally when Grandfather rides a white horse and wields a scythe. Especially if he decides to take a well-earned moment to uncover the meaning of life and discover himself in the process, so that you have to take over the family business, and everyone mistakes you for the Tooth Fairy. And especially when you have to face the new and addictive music that has entered Discworld. It's lawless.
Being sixteen is always difficult, but it's even more so when there's a Death in the family. Susan hasn't exactly had a normal upbringing, with a skeletal grandfather who rides a white horse and wields a scythe. When Death decides he needs a well-earned break, he leaves Susan to take over the family business. The only problem is, everyone mistakes her for the Tooth Fairy . . . Well, not the only problem. There's a new, addictive music in Discworld. It's lawless. It changes people. It's got a beat and you
Being sixteen is always difficult, but it's even more so when there's a Death in the family. Susan hasn't exactly had a normal upbringing, with a skeletal grandfather who rides a white horse and wields a scythe. When Death decides he needs a well-earned break, he leaves Susan to take over the family business. The only problem is, everyone mistakes her for the Tooth Fairy . . . Well, not the only problem. There's a new, addictive music in Discworld. It's lawless. It changes people. It's got a beat and you
'Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.' 'Twas the night before Hogswatch and all through the house . . . something was missing. Superstition makes things work in the Discworld and undermining it can have consequences. When Death realizes that belief in the Hogfather is dangerously low, he decides to take on the job. But it's just not right to find a seven-foot skeleton creeping down your chimney and trying to say 'ho, ho, ho'. It's the last night of
'Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.' 'Twas the night before Hogswatch and all through the house . . . something was missing. Superstition makes things work in the Discworld and undermining it can have consequences. When Death realizes that belief in the Hogfather is dangerously low, he decides to take on the job. But it's just not right to find a seven-foot skeleton creeping down your chimney and trying to say 'ho, ho, ho'. It's the last night of
Starlink - Battle for Atlas Starter Pack obsahuje: Hru Starlink - Battle for Atlas Fyzickú verziu hviezdnej lode Zenith Fyzickú verziu pilota Mason Rana Fyzické verzie troch zbraní - Shredder, Flamethrower a Frost Barrage Jeden stojan pre ovládač Dualshock 4 Plagát s kolekciou modulárnych hračiek 1. vlny pre hru Starlink V hre Starlink: Battle for Atlas ste súčasťou skupiny hrdinských medzihviezdnych pilotov, ktorá je odhodlaná oslobodiť hviezdny sústavu menom Atlas od zlovestnej robotickej
Kniha plná omaľovánok a krátkych príbehov zo sveta ikonických diel Terryho Pratchetta. Skvelý darček pre fanúšikov tohto obľúbeného autora. Vyfarbite nádherné kresby!
Marvel Black Panther Wakanda Atlas vám ponúka jedinečnú príležitosť spoznať svet vyspelej krajiny Wakanda, ktorú poznáte z populárnych Marvel filmov a komiksov. Tento atlas vás zavedie do zákutí tejto tajomnej zeme a umožní vám objaviť všetko, čo vo Wakande môžete nájsť. Prejsť cez stránky tohto atlasu vás prevedie významnými miestami Wakandy, ako sú napríklad hlavné mesto Birnin Zana, kde sídli kráľ T'Challa, alebo nepriechodná džungľa, kde sa ukrýva zásadná technológia vibrania. Okrem toho sa dozviete
V hre Starlink: Battle for Atlas ste súčasťou skupiny hrdinských medzihviezdnych pilotov, ktorá je odhodlaná oslobodiť hviezdnu sústavu menom Atlas od zlovestnej robotickej sily zvanej Forgotten Legion.Hra ponúka nevídané možnosti na poli prispôsobení, môžete si vyberať pilotov, trup lode, krídla a zbrane pre vytvorenie ideálneho hviezdneho plavidla. Zmeny, ktoré vykonáte na vašej lodi sú okamžite zaznamenané a hneď ich môžete použiť v súbojoch.Bezstarostne cestujte naprieč exotickými mimozemskými svetmi
Kovová kľúčenka podľa hernej série Borderlands s motívom Atlasu. Kľúčenka je maľovaná a veľká asi 6 cm. Vďaka svojej malej hmotnosti približne 40 g je vhodný pre zväzok kľúčov akejkoľvek veľkosti.
Bazárový tovar!Uprostred decembrovej noci trojica detí prenasledovaná temnými silami náhlivo opúšťa svoj domov v sprievode záhadného starého muža. Ich rodičia nemajú inú možnosť, ak chcú deti zachrániť. Prejde desať rokov, no Kate, Michael a Emma nie sú o nič bližšie k odhaleniu pravdy o ich osude.Cesta k odpovedi sa skrýva v tajomnom atlase.Práve vďaka jeho čarovnej sile sa súrodenci ocitnú v krajine, ktorej kruto vládne Grófka s armádou svojich mŕtvych bojovníkov. Dobrodružstvo sa môže začať! Nebudú v ň
Bazárový tovar!Uprostred decembrovej noci trojica detí prenasledovaná temnými silami náhlivo opúšťa svoj domov v sprievode záhadného starého muža. Ich rodičia nemajú inú možnosť, ak chcú deti zachrániť. Prejde desať rokov, no Kate, Michael a Emma nie sú o nič bližšie k odhaleniu pravdy o ich osude.Cesta k odpovedi sa skrýva v tajomnom atlase.Práve vďaka jeho čarovnej sile sa súrodenci ocitnú v krajine, ktorej kruto vládne Grófka s armádou svojich mŕtvych bojovníkov. Dobrodružstvo sa môže začať! Nebudú v ň