Zábavný a nepredvídateľný shoot-em-up.Hlavnou úlohou hry je strieľať sliepky s arzenálom rôznych zbraní, ktoré si môžete za poplatok vylepšiť. Pri zabití sliepky sa vždy narodí nová. Hra sa odohráva na bojisku dva krát väčšom ako je šírka obrazovky, takže sa musíte neustále hýbať zo strany na stranu pre obsiahnutie celej šírky.Pre zvýšenie obtiažnosti na Vás sliepky hádžu vajcia pre zhoršenie hráčovho výhľadu. Počas hrania sa objavujú bedničky s muníciou. So sebou môžete nosiť až šesť zbraní, iba pár zbraní je zadarmo, ostatné zbrane si musíte kúpiť v obchode, kde si tiež môžete kúpiť extra muníciu. Hra obsahuje osem úrovní. Každá z úrovní obsahuje iné sliepky, ktoré bude ťažké zabiť kvôli ich vylepšenej obrane.
Cow and Chicken je americký animovaný komediálny televízny seriál, ktorý vytvoril David Feiss pre spoločnosť Cartoon Network. Hmotnosť: 141g Kód produktu: FK57790
Cow and Chicken je americký animovaný komediálny televízny seriál, ktorý vytvoril David Feiss pre spoločnosť Cartoon Network. Hmotnosť: 141g Kód produktu: FK57791
Pikantná hentai manga Range of Love vám rozpovie milostný príbeh o letnej dovolenke. Noc ohňostrojov ho privedie k dievčaťu snov. Ako to celé dopadne?
Zábavný a nepredvídateľný shoot-em-up.Hlavnou úlohou hry je strieľať sliepky s arzenálom rôznych zbraní, ktoré si môžete za poplatok vylepšiť. Pri zabití sliepky sa vždy narodí nová. Hra sa odohráva na bojisku dva krát väčšom ako je šírka obrazovky, takže sa musíte neustále hýbať zo strany na stranu pre obsiahnutie celej šírky.Pre zvýšenie obtiažnosti na Vás sliepky hádžu vajcia pre zhoršenie hráčovho výhľadu. Počas hrania sa objavujú bedničky s muníciou. So sebou môžete nosiť až šesť zbraní, iba pár zbra
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Wash is the range of colors for wash effects and techniques on figures, which can also be used on other surfaces. It is presented with a new formulation that enhances the capillary properties of the product. A wash is a transparent and very liquid acrylic color, mainly used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, as well as for creating glazing and filter effects over other colors in the range. How to use: Apply with a brush, it can also be used with an air
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Wash is the range of colors for wash effects and techniques on figures, which can also be used on other surfaces. It is presented with a new formulation that enhances the capillary properties of the product. A wash is a transparent and very liquid acrylic color, mainly used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, as well as for creating glazing and filter effects over other colors in the range. How to use: Apply with a brush, it can also be used with an air
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Wash is the range of colors for wash effects and techniques on figures, which can also be used on other surfaces. It is presented with a new formulation that enhances the capillary properties of the product. A wash is a transparent and very liquid acrylic color, mainly used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, as well as for creating glazing and filter effects over other colors in the range. How to use: Apply with a brush, it can also be used with an air
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Wash is the range of colors for wash effects and techniques on figures, which can also be used on other surfaces. It is presented with a new formulation that enhances the capillary properties of the product. A wash is a transparent and very liquid acrylic color, mainly used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, as well as for creating glazing and filter effects over other colors in the range. How to use: Apply with a brush, it can also be used with an air
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Wash is the range of colors for wash effects and techniques on figures, which can also be used on other surfaces. It is presented with a new formulation that enhances the capillary properties of the product. A wash is a transparent and very liquid acrylic color, mainly used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, as well as for creating glazing and filter effects over other colors in the range. How to use: Apply with a brush, it can also be used with an air
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Wash is the range of colors for wash effects and techniques on figures, which can also be used on other surfaces. It is presented with a new formulation that enhances the capillary properties of the product. A wash is a transparent and very liquid acrylic color, mainly used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, as well as for creating glazing and filter effects over other colors in the range. How to use: Apply with a brush, it can also be used with an air
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Wash is the range of colors for wash effects and techniques on figures, which can also be used on other surfaces. It is presented with a new formulation that enhances the capillary properties of the product. A wash is a transparent and very liquid acrylic color, mainly used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, as well as for creating glazing and filter effects over other colors in the range. How to use: Apply with a brush, it can also be used with an air
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Wash is the range of colors for wash effects and techniques on figures, which can also be used on other surfaces. It is presented with a new formulation that enhances the capillary properties of the product. A wash is a transparent and very liquid acrylic color, mainly used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, as well as for creating glazing and filter effects over other colors in the range. How to use: Apply with a brush, it can also be used with an air
Phoebe Buffatová-Hanniganová je fiktívna postava v americkom sitkome Priatelia a jedna zo šiestich hlavných postáv seriálu. Hmotnosť: 125g Kód produktu: FK65677
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Metallic also has an improved formulation that enhances the application, colors are more fluid and apply easily over the figures. The range has been designed according to the BSL (Base, Shadow and Light) figure paint system, based on chromatically compatible groupings of three colors, which offers the less experienced painter for an easy choice of colors to paint miniatures with the appropriate highlights and shadows for each base color. The metalized pigment used
Akrylová farba na modely a figúrky. Game Metallic also has an improved formulation that enhances the application, colors are more fluid and apply easily over the figures. The range has been designed according to the BSL (Base, Shadow and Light) figure paint system, based on chromatically compatible groupings of three colors, which offers the less experienced painter for an easy choice of colors to paint miniatures with the appropriate highlights and shadows for each base color. The metalized pigment used