Čarodej krabat

Čarodej krabat

Bylo to jednou tuze, tuze dávno - počkejte, tak asi před třemi sty lety, hned poté veliké válce, která trvala celých třicet let a pohltila tolik vesnic, měst a lidí. Bylo tehdy zle, hrozně zle, že se to ani............... Autor: Měrćin Nowak - Njechorński

Madagaskar Ukrutný čarodej

Madagaskar Ukrutný čarodej

Nie je to už to, čo bolo kedysi. Ako veľmi sa zmenil svet okolo Indického oceánu, spoznal som na vlastnej koži na francúzskej lodi. Nezabával som sa pritom najhoršie. Z Dáresalámu do Majungy som cestoval v turistickej triede. Autor: Arkady Fiedler


Četba pro začátečníky - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Čaroděj ze země Oz) (A1 - A2)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an American childrens novel originally published in 1900. Since then it has stirred the imagination of young and old alike. Dorothy thinks she is lost forever when a terrifying cyclone crashes through Kansas and she and her dog Toto are swept away from their home to the magical land of Oz. To get home they have to follow the yellow brick road to Emerald City and find the mysterious Wizard of Oz. Embark on a strange but enchanting adventure with Dorothy, Toto and their compa


Mozaika - Četba - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Čaroděj ze země Oz) (A1 - A2)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an American childrens novel originally published in 1900. Since then it has stirred the imagination of young and old alike. Dorothy thinks she is lost forever when a terrifying cyclone crashes through Kansas and she and her dog Toto are swept away from their home to the magical land of Oz. To get home they have to follow the yellow brick road to Emerald City and find the mysterious Wizard of Oz. Embark on a strange but enchanting adventure with Dorothy, Toto and their compa
