Být single ale jak

Být single ale jak

Ačkoliv to tak stále není chápáno, je stav single – tedy stav, kdy člověk žije sám – normální, dobrý a plnohodnotný způsob života. Na základě tohoto předpokladu věnuje Hildegard Aepliová pozornost otázce, do jaké míry existuje naplněný


ELI - A - Young adult 3 - Pride and Prejudice - readers (do vyprodání zásob)

Everybody knows that it is true that any rich, single man must definitely want a wife. And, of course, all mothers think this rich, single man is the perfect partner for one or another of their daughters. Tag Love Friendship In this Reader you will find Information about Jane Austens life Sections focusing on background and context Glossary of difficult words Comprehension activities PETstyle activities Exit test Mrs Bennet has five daughters and they are all unmarried. When rich,



Danny went forward and looked down at the fine young Holstein. The Bulls neck had been broken by a single blow from a sledgehammer paw, and there was a hole in its belly where Old Majesty has started to eat.

7 mýtů o singles

7 mýtů o singles

Je k svobodnému životu zapotřebí zvláštní Boží povolání? Mají to svobodní těžší, nebo naopak snazší než lidé starající se o manžela/manželku a děti? Být single v našich představách mnohdy znamená být osamělý, bez rodiny a důvěrného vztahu.


Spark 2 - student´s book

Spark 2 is an English course designed for students studying English at Elementary Level level A2. Students Book is in full colour. Each module is based on a single theme and the topics covered are of general interest.


Spark 3 - student´s book

Spark 3 is an English course designed for students studying English at PreIntermediate Level level B1. Students Book is in full colour. Each module is based on a single theme and the topics covered are of general interest.


Spark 1 - student´s book

Spark 1 is an English course designed for students studying English at Beginner Level level A1. Students Book is in full colour. Each module is based on a single theme and the topics covered are of general interest.


Spark 1 - student´s book (VÝPRODEJ)

Spark 1 is an English course designed for students studying English at Beginner Level level A1. Students Book is in full colour. Each module is based on a single theme and the topics covered are of general interest.


Popcorn ELT Readers 3: Shrek Forever After with CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Frustrated with his home life, Shrek makes a deal with fairytale trickster Rumpelstiltskin, giving him a day of his life in exchange for a day as a free and single ogre. But Shrek falls headlong into an alternative reality where Rumpelstiltskin is King, Princess Fiona is a freedom fighter and Shrek himself has never existed. Can he undo Rumpelstiltskins spell?

Pekné bývanie 2020/11

Pekné bývanie 2020/11

3x na inšpiratívnej návšteve; 101 svietidiel: Krásne interiérové pútače, ktoré si posvietia na všetko; Farba roka 2021: Teplá, prírodná a neutrálna...; Kuchyňa pre rodinu; Kuchyňa pre seniorov; Kuchyňa pre single; Malá zmena, veľký efekt; Riešenie dizajnérov - Priechodná kuchyňa; Jesenné hygge; Poradňa: Predávate nehnuteľnosť?; Moderný botanický štýl


ELI - A - hra - The Story Maker

WHAT IS IT? The Story Maker is a fun card game to form sentences and create stories with single illustrated language elements. Characters, animals, places items and actions have been carefully selected to provide an array of possible combinations. LANGUAGE AIMS The game allows students to expand vocabulary, learn grammar, use verbs and develop sentences. It helps students to practise a variety of language structures and also stimulates their imagination by making sentences and creating stories.
