The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century, edited by Harry Turtledove with Martin H. Greenberg, musters 13 tales by such top brass of this popular subgenre as Orson Scott Card, David Drake, George R.R. Martin, Arthur C. Clarke and editor Turtledove, who provides an introduction. SF military addicts won't need a direct order to seize a copy of this one.
Today a small group of men are exploring landscape stranger than tie surface of the moon and eccountering creatures more startling than the monster of science fiction. They are the aquanauts whose achievments are revolutionizing the scene of oceanography. Autor : Gardner Soule
Fantastické predstavy a názory, ktoré nám v súčasnosti astrofyzici predkladajú, často vnímame ako science fiction. Ide však o fakty a neodškriepiteľné skutočnosti. Autor: Johannes Von Buttlar
This famous satire about human society and government surprisingly became a popular childrens story. The book also contains files on 16th17th century science and satire, as well as on real life explorers and pirates.
This famous novel about a respectable doctor with a double life marks a milestone in modern horror fiction. The book includes a history of horror stories, and looks at the medical profession in the 19th century.
Vtipně pojatá science fiction je inspirována havarijním letem Apolla k Měsíci v roce 1970. Autor přejal z tohoto letu základní data a informace, které rozvinul zdánlivě správně historicky, ve skutečnosti však zcela vymyšleným způsobem...... Autor: Pavel Toufar
This quiz book contains at least one quiz for each chapter in Science : Order & Reality. All of the quizzes are scheduled in the Science and Health 7 Curriculum.
Classic / British EnglishThe War of the Worlds is one of the most frightening science fiction novels ever written. When a spaceship falls from the sky and lands in southern England, few people are worried. But when strange creatures climb out and start killing, nobody is safe.
Zámok Otranto a Vatherk sú dve klasické ukážky - i keď námetom a spracovaním veľmi rozdielne - anglického gotického, či lepšie, hrôzostrašného románu z 18. storočia. Gotický román je predchodcom romanticko-dobrodružnej literatúry i dnešných horrorov a science fiction. Autor: H. Walpole, W. Beckford
Táto kniha prináša niekoľko poviedok, ktoré patria k tomu najlepšiemu, čo sovietska science - fiction vytvorila. Je tu prenikanie do kozmu, večne vzrušujúci problém: sú vo vesmíre inteligentné bytosti nám podobné? Sú tu prevratné vynálezy - vyplývajúce tak z rozvoja fyziky a chémie, ako aj z využitia skrytých rezerv ľudského organizmu? Autor: Kol.autorov
Science discovers the nature of our universe, our planet and the life it supports. The more we understand od science, the more we can put to use, developing technology to help us. Autor : Ralph Hancock
Knížka, kterou držíte v ruce, je zcela zvláštní: vypráví o budoucnosti některých oblastí vědy a techniky, ale nebyla napsána autory science-fiction, nýbrž osobami, které se sice v té či oné formě vědou zabývají, nikoli však budoucností lidského poznání. Všichni se však shodneme alespoň v tom, že budoucnost začína dnes a že tedy... Autor: RNDr. Jiří Mrázek
The modern science of bionics is less than 20 years old. Yet in that short time the addvances have been incredible. Using systems and structures of plants and animals, science has devised synthetic limbs, organs, senses and even intelligence that further human abilities and potential. Autor : Melvin Berger
Contemporary / British EnglishAldous Huxley’s Brave New World is one of the great works of science fiction.It is the year After Ford 632 in the New World. People are born and live by scientific methods. There is worldwide happiness and order. Then John comes from the Savage Reservation to the New World and with him he brings strong emotions – love, hate, anger, fear. Suddenly, danger threatens the New World.
Thank you for purchasing Exploring Creation With General Science. I designed this modular course specifically to meet the the needs of the moment homeschooling parent. Autor : Dr. Jay L. Wile
Contemporary / British EnglishAldous Huxley’s Brave New World is one of the great works of science fiction.It is the year After Ford 632 in the New World. People are born and live by scientific methods. There is worldwide happiness and order. Then John comes from the Savage Reservation to the New World and with him he brings strong emotions – love, hate, anger, fear. Suddenly, danger threatens the New World. Book and MP3 pack.