Apothecary Diaries 3

Apothecary Diaries 3

Maomao sa po sláve na záhradnej hostine vracia do zábavnej štvrte, kde ju čaká sloboda, stretnutia s blízkymi, ale aj nová záhada! Pokračovanie mangy Apothecary Diaries!

Apothecary Diaries 1

Apothecary Diaries 1

Ponorte sa do prvého dielu manga série Apothecary Diaries o slúžke Maomao, študovanej bylinkárke, ktorá prelomí kliatbu a je povýšená na ochutnávačku.

Apothecary Diaries 2

Apothecary Diaries 2

Druhé pokračovanie mangy Apothecary Diaries. Spoznajte pokračovanie príbehu Maomao, ktorá sa vďaka svojim znalostiam dostala do paláca, kde ju čakajú nečakané úlohy.

Diaries of War: Two Visual Accounts from Ukraine and Russia

Diaries of War: Two Visual Accounts from Ukraine and Russia

Spoznajte, ako vojnu na Ukrajine vnímajú ukrajinská novinárka a ruský umelec. Nora Krug vytvára na základe ročnej korešpondencie s oboma stranami unikátne grafické dielo Diaries of War.

The Witcher TRPG: A Witcher's Journal EN

The Witcher TRPG: A Witcher's Journal EN

A Witcher’s Journal is a supplement for The Witcher TRPG which gives you a number of new monsters and intriguing plot hooks to use in your game as well as new lore and an indepth investigation system. • 33 new monsters, from the deadly archespore to the gruesome vendigo!• 2 exceptional monsters. Create unique higher vampires and true dragons, each with their own Lifepaths.• An indepth Investigation System to help GMs create and run mysteries.• All new lore, introducing Erland of Larvik, one of the first w

A Study in Drowning [Reid Ava]

A Study in Drowning [Reid Ava]

Effy has always believed in fairy tales. She's had no choice. Since childhood, she's been haunted by visions of the Fairy King. She's found solace only in the pages of Angharad - a beloved epic about a mortal girl who falls in love with the Fairy King, and then destroys him. Effy's tattered copy is all that's keeping her afloat through her stifling first term her prestigious architecture college. So when the late author's family announces a contest to design his house, Effy fells certain this is her desti
