Alien RPG je nádherne ilustrovaná farebná kniha v pevnej väzbe na 392 stranách, ktorá predstavuje svet ALIEN v roku 2183 a rýchlu a efektívnu príručku pravidiel navrhnutú špeciálne na vylepšenie zážitku.
Obsahuje dva základné herné módy:
filmový, ktorý je založený na predpripravených scenároch a je vhodný skôr na jednorazové hranie (hra je zúrivejšia a brutálnejšia)
kampaňový, určený pre opakované hranie, ktorý Vám umožní voľne objavovať mimozemský vesmír.
Počet strán: 392
Rozmery: 279 × 221 × 28 mm
Jazyk: angličtina
Kód produktu: FLF-ALE002
This lavishly illustrated guide showcases the variety of fantastic dragons encountered in the worlds of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®. Extraordinary wizard Sindri Suncatcher shares his personal notebooks to divulge his knowledge of these magnificent creatures, from the life cycle of a kind copper dragon to the best way to counteract a red dragon’s fiery breath. With tips on everything from fighting dragons to riding them, The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons offers abundant insight into the most awe-in
The ultimate magic item for the world's greatest roleplaying game. The Deck of Many Things is a famous Dungeons & Dragons magic item whose effects are as spectacular as they are unpredictable. Within this box, you'll find The Book of Many Things, which illuminates the deck's mysteries and provides everything Dungeon Masters need to use it in their campaigns. This book includes advice, adventure locations, and new monsters for Dungeon Masters, as well as character options, magic items, and organiza
This is the official ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game - a universe of body horror and corporate brinkmanship, where synthetic people play god while space truckers and marines serve host to newborn ghoulish creatures. It’s a harsh and unforgiving universe and you are nothing if not expendable. Stay alive if you can. The ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game is a beautifully illustrated full-colour hardcover book of 392 pages, both presenting the world of ALIEN in the year 2183 and a fast and effective ruleset des
This is the official ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game - a universe of body horror and corporate brinkmanship, where synthetic people play god while space truckers and marines serve host to newborn ghoulish creatures. It’s a harsh and unforgiving universe and you are nothing if not expendable. Stay alive if you can. The ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game is a beautifully illustrated full-colour hardcover book of 392 pages, both presenting the world of ALIEN in the year 2183 and a fast and effective ruleset des
Kolekcia produktov Alien a Predator predstavujúca postavy zo svetov Alien, Predator, AvP a Prometheus v strašidelne realistických detailoch v mierke 1:16.
Official Aliens search-and-find puzzle book, based on the movie, featuring a host of highly detailed full-colour illustrations by artist Kevin Crossley set in familiar film locations. 'Find The Xenomorph' is a gorgeous puzzle book that will entertain and terrify Alien fans of all ages. Fourteen original illustrations present our well-known characters in new and horrifying situations – from colonists hiding in egg chambers to marines hunting for facehuggers, this beautiful search-and-find book gives fans a
Official Aliens search-and-find puzzle book, based on the movie, featuring a host of highly detailed full-colour illustrations by artist Kevin Crossley set in familiar film locations. 'Find The Xenomorph' is a gorgeous puzzle book that will entertain and terrify Alien fans of all ages. Fourteen original illustrations present our well-known characters in new and horrifying situations – from colonists hiding in egg chambers to marines hunting for facehuggers, this beautiful search-and-find book gives fans a
Luxusný zberateľský artbook Alien Covenant. Obsahuje Dve knihy, ktoré vám priblížia Davidovu myseľ. Spoznajte umenie, ktoré stojí za tvorbou hororovej série Alien.
Definitívna Alien a Predator socha, predstavujúca postavy z filmu Alien, Predator, AvP a Prometheus, v neuveriteľne realistických detailoch v mierke 1:16. Dodávaná v zberateľskej krabičke s priehľadnou prednou stenou. Kód produktu: EAMONOV182308 Váha produktu: 361g
Definitívna Alien a Predator socha, predstavujúca postavy z filmu Alien, Predator, AvP a Prometheus, v neuveriteľne realistických detailoch v mierke 1:16. Dodávaná v zberateľskej krabičke s priehľadným oknom. Kód produktu: EAMOFEB172645 Váha produktu: 351g
Úžasný art book k legendárnej filmovej sérii Alien (Votrelec), ktorý vám predstaví viac ako 100 tematických ilustrácií vrátane portrétov postáv, návrhov plagátov a podobne.
ALIEN RPG: Colonial Marines Operations Manual is a complete campaign module for the award-winning official ALIEN roleplaying game, giving you all the tools you need to run a full open-world campaign as the iconic Colonial Marines.
ALIEN RPG: Colonial Marines Operations Manual is a complete campaign module for the award-winning official ALIEN roleplaying game, giving you all the tools you need to run a full open-world campaign as the iconic Colonial Marines.
Destroyer of Worlds je príručka s kompletným filmovým scenárom pre hru ALIEN, ktorú napísal sci-fi spisovateľ Andrew E.C. Gaska. V Destroyer of Worlds hráči prevezmú úlohy Colonial Marines. Scenár je navrhnutý pre 3–5 hráčov plus Game Mother. Balenie obsahuje: Hlavnú knihu scenárov Destroyer of Worlds. Obrovskú obojstrannú mapu (formát 864 x 558 mm). Päť vopred vygenerovaných postáv na hranie. Karty pre zbrane a vozidlá. Hráčske mapy. POZNÁMKA: Na hranie hry Destroyer of Worlds je potrebná hlavná kni
Zdokonaľte svoje manga ilustrácie s pomocou knihy od Ruiho Tomona, ktorá vás naučí princípy kompozície a perspektívy, s ktorými vytvoríte pútavé diela.