Vlhkomery SUPERPRO sú novou generáciou digitálnych meracích zariadení, ktoré poskytujú spoľahlivé výsledky merania. Zrno sa rozomelie a lisuje v jednom kroku. Spolu s automatickou teplotnou kompenzáciou to vedie k overiteľne spoľahlivému výsledku.
Mikroprocesorom riadený inteligentný a presný systém, resp. externý LCD Displej pre sledovanie stavu, prehľad histórie a nastavovanie parametrov vybraných MPPT regulátorov série Tr od výrobcu VICTRON ENERGY model SmartSolar control (Display Option) Parametre STC: MPPT regulátory SmartSolar s dátovým rozhraním Tr, Pripojovacie napätie: 6,5 - 95V, Stupeň krytia: IP54, Konektor: Canon Male 9-pin, Modul: Zásuvný, Rozmer: Fi-63mm, Displej: LCD, Farba: Sivá Určenie: Interné príslušenstvo pre MPPT regulátory sé
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any Schuko socket with a charging power of up to 3,7kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 meters. A bag for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU.
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any Schuko socket with a charging power of up to 3,7kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 meters. A bag for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU.
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-16A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 11kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 8 meters. A bag and two Schuko / CEE adapters for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU.
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-16A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 11kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 8 meters. A bag and two Schuko / CEE adapters for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU.
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-16A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 11kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 8 meters. A bag and two Schuko / CEE adapters for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU.
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-16A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 11kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 8 meters. A bag and two Schuko / CEE adapters for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU.
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-32A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 22kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 7 meters. A bag and two Schuko / CEE adapters for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU. The warranty is
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-32A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 22kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 7 meters. A bag and two Schuko / CEE adapters for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU. The warranty is
Externé monitorovacie a ovládacie zariadenie s 3,0" LCD určené pre PWM/ MPPT regulátory nabíjania akumulátorov malých solárnych FV systémov od výrobcu EPEVER pre rady LS-B/VS-B/XTRA/AN model Remote MeTer MT-50 Remote Display Black RS485 Parametre STC: Elektrický prúd a napätie, výkonu a celkovej energie od solárneho panela, akumulátorov a spotrebičov DC/AC, Kontrola: Vzdialené ZAPNI/VYPNI DC výstupu meniča, resp. AC výstupu meniča, Prúdové zaťaženie a napätie pripojených akumulátorov, resp. stav batérií,
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-32A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 22kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 7 meters. A bag and two Schuko / CEE adapters for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU. The warranty is
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-32A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 22kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 7 meters. A bag and two Schuko / CEE adapters for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU. The warranty is
Externé monitorovacie a ovládacie zariadenie s 3,0" LCD určené pre MPPT regulátory súčasného nabíjania 2 akumulátorov malých solárnych FV systémov od výrobcu EPEVER pre rady DuoRacer model Remote MeTer MT-11 Remote Display Black RS485 Parametre STC: Elektrický prúd a napätie, výkonu a celkovej energie od solárneho panela, 2 pripojených akumulátorov a spotrebičov DC/AC, Kontrola: Vzdialené ZAPNI/VYPNI DC výstupu meniča, resp. AC výstupu meniča, Prúdové zaťaženie a napätie pripojených 2 akumulátorov, resp.
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-16A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 11kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 8 meters. A bag and Shucho / CEE adapter for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU. The warranty is 3 yea
New generation of the EVELINE MAX portable charger with a practical display! It allows charging from any CEE-32A industrial socket with a charging power of up to 22kW. The display shows charging current setting, voltage on each phase, temperature, status and consumed kWh. The charging current can be set according to the need and type of car. The cable length is 5 or 7 meters. A bag and two Schuko / CEE adapters for each charger as a gift. Transport is free within most countries in the EU. The warranty is