Agriphyt Contact Zn Mn je tekuté hnojivo s obsahom zinku a mangánu
Používa sa na prevenciu a úpravu nedostatku zinku a mangánu v rastline
Hnojivo je zložené z prírodných výťažkov rastlín a používa sa ako alternatíva minerálnych olejov
Hnojivo vytvára tenký film na škodcoch a spôsobuje úplné zneškodnenie alebo zníženie životaschopnosti, vplyvom zalepenia tela hmyzu
AGRIPHYT FINAL je rastlinný extrakt s biologickou účinnosťou proti škodcom Kvapalný roztok draslíka (K2O) na prevenciu a korekciu jeho nedostatku Pomáha rastline brániť sa pri napadnutiu škodcami Zastavuje požerovú aktivitu škodcov
97 49 66 Lisovacie čeluste Aplikácia: konektory pre solárne káble MC4 (Multi-Contact) 2,5 - 6,0 mm². Aplikácie: konektory pre solárne káble MC4 (Multi-Contact) : 2,5 — 6 mm² : 3 AWG: 14 / 10
Superdifúzna poistná hydroizolačná membrána SUNFLEX Contact PRO s pokovanou vonkajšou reflexnou vrstvou. Reflexná pokovená vrstva v lete účinne chráni proti sálavému teplu. Špeciálna trojvrstvová technológia vďaka svojej vysokej priepustnosti umožňuje dokonalý odvod vodných pár zo strešnej konštrukcie, súčasne dokonale zabráni vniknutiu dažďovej vody do konštrukcie.
AC voltage: not specified, AC current: not specified, automatic range selection: not specified, automatic shutdown: yes, non-contact AC voltage detection: not specified, DC voltage: not specified, DC current: not specified, detection: wood, metal, AC wiring, electrical resistance: not specified, contact AC voltage detection: not specified, temperature measurement: not specified, power supply: 1×9 V (included), display backlight: no, sales package: 1 pcs, blister, size: 28 × 72 × 155 mm, signaling: optical
AC voltage: 70-1,000V, AC current: no, automatic range selection: no, automatic shutdown: no, non-contact AC voltage detection: yes, DC voltage: no, DC current: no, detection: AC wiring, electrical resistance: no, contact AC voltage detection: no, temperature measurement: no, power supply: 2×1.5 V AAA (included), display backlight: no, sales package: 1 pcs, blister, size: 153 × 22 mm, signaling: optical + acoustic, circuit continuity: no, battery test: no, diode test: no, transistor test: no, record max.
AC voltage: 2-600 V, AC current: 2 mA - 10 A, automatic shutdown: no, non-contact AC voltage detection: no, DC voltage: 200 mV - 600 V, DC current: 2 mA - 10 A, electrical resistance: 200 Ohm - 20 MOhm, low battery indication: yes, clamp multimeter: no, contact AC voltage detection: no, temperature measurement: no, power supply: 1×9 V (included), display backlight: no, sales package: 1 pcs, blister, size: 32 × 85 × 165 mm, circuit continuity: yes, part of delivery: battery, manual, measuring tips, battery
AC voltage: 200-300 V, AC current: no, automatic shutdown: no, non-contact AC voltage detection: no, DC voltage: 200 mV - 300 V, DC current: 20 mA - 10 A, electrical resistance: 200 Ohm - 2 MOhm, low battery indication: yes, clamp multimeter: no, contact AC voltage detection: no, temperature measurement: no, power supply: 1×9 V (included), display backlight: yes, sales package: 1 pcs, blister, size: 150 × 75 × 35 mm, circuit continuity: yes, part of delivery: battery, manual, measuring tips, battery test:
AC voltage: 200-300 V, AC current: no, automatic shutdown: no, non-contact AC voltage detection: no, DC voltage: 200 mV-300 V, DC current: 2,000 µA-200 mA, electrical resistance: 200 Ohm-2 MOhm, low battery indication: yes, clamp multimeter: no, contact AC voltage detection: no, temperature measurement: no, power supply: 1×12 V (included), display backlight: no, sales package: 1 pcs, blister, size: 30 × 57 × 95 mm, circuit continuity: no, part of delivery: battery, manual, measuring tips, battery test: 1.
AC voltage: 200-300 V, AC current: no, automatic shutdown: no, non-contact AC voltage detection: no, DC voltage: 200 mV - 300 V, DC current: 20 µA - 10 A, electrical resistance: 200 Ohm - 2 MOhm, low battery indication: yes, clamp multimeter: no, contact AC voltage detection: no, temperature measurement: no, power supply: 1×9 V (included), display backlight: no, sales package: 1 pcs, blister, size: 27 × 70 × 135 mm, circuit continuity: yes, part of delivery: battery, manual, measuring tips, protective cas
AC voltage: 6-600 V, AC current: no, auto shut-off: yes, non-contact AC voltage detection: yes, DC voltage: 6-600 V, DC current: no, electrical resistance: 600 Ohm - 10 MOhm, low battery indication: yes, clamp multimeter: no, contact AC voltage detection: no, temperature measurement: no, power supply: 2× 1.5 V LR44 (included), display backlight: no, sales package: 1 pcs, blister, size: 54 × 112 × 12 mm, circuit continuity: yes, part of delivery: battery, manual, measuring tips, battery test: no, diode tes
AC voltage: 4-600 V, AC current: 400 A, automatic shutdown: yes, non-contact AC voltage detection: no, DC voltage: 400 mV - 600 V, DC current: 400 A, electrical resistance: 400 Ohm - 40 MOhm, low battery indication: yes, clamp multimeter: yes, contact AC voltage detection: no, temperature measurement: -20 °C to +1 000 °C, power supply: 2 × 1.5 V AAA (included), display backlight: no, sales package: 1 pcs, blister, size: 38 × 71 × 194 mm, circuit continuity: yes, part of delivery: battery, manual, measurin
AC voltage: 2-600 V, AC current: 2-600 A, automatic shutdown: yes, non-contact AC voltage detection: no, DC voltage: 200 mV - 600 V, DC current: no, electrical resistance: 200 Ohm - 20 MOhm, low battery indication: yes, clamp multimeter: yes, contact AC voltage detection: no, temperature measurement: no, power supply: 2×3 V CR2032 (included), display backlight: no, sales package: 1 pcs, blister, size: 36 × 76 × 190 mm, circuit continuity: yes, part of delivery: battery, manual, measuring tips, battery tes
Dostupný od 4/2021 Výkonný plynový gril strednej kategórie 3 regulovateľné horáky s výkonom 10,5 kW Kompaktné rozmery sa hodia aj na menšie terasy Dve odkladacie plochy Zadná mriežka pre dohrievanie alebo ohrievanie Kolesá pre jednoduchší transport Integrovaný teplomer na viečku pre kontrolu teploty pri grilovaní Kombinácia 2 liatinových roštov a 1 liatinového plátu Plynový gril HECHT Contact 3 na propán-bután. 3 hlavné horáky, celkový výkon 10,5 kW. 2x liatinový rošt a 1x liatinový plát. Celkový rozme
AC voltage: 2-300 V, AC current: 200 uA - 10 A / with clamps up to 1000 A (not included), auto shut-off: yes, non-contact AC voltage detection: no, DC voltage: 200 mV - 300 V, DC current: 200 µA - 10 A / with clamps up to 1 000 A (not included), electrical resistance: 200 Ohm - 20 MOhm, low battery indication: yes, clamp multimeter: no, contact AC voltage detection: no, temperature measurement: -20 °C to +1 000 °C, power supply: 3 × 1.5 V AAA (included), display backlight: yes, sales package: 1 pcs, blist
Kancelárske/herné kreslo, čierna a červená látka Kancelárske/herné kreslo, kombinujúce čiernu a červenú látku, je skvelým riešením pre tých, ktorí hľadajú ergonomické a štýlové sedadlo pre prácu alebo hranie hier. S jeho permanent contact mechanizmom, pohodlným čalúnením a atraktívnym dizajnom poskytuje dokonalé pohodlie a podporu. Mechanizmus: Permanent contact mechanizmus s polohovou aretáciou umožňuje jednoduché nastavenie a uzamknutie operadla v požadovanej polohe, čo zabezpečuje optimálnu podporu po