INFOA jazykové učebnice, jazykové hry a knihy pro děti • Infoa

INFOA vydává jazykové učebnice a jazykové hry pro studenty, učitele a širokou veřejnost. Vydáváme rovněž kreativní knihy pro děti.


Linguadice - A - Catch the Words!

Catch the words! is a language game designed to teach basic English words from six thematic categories. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 9 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in English covering methodical remarks. 48 key words. Educational goals learning basic English nouns developing conversation skills

  • Cena: 201.00 Eur

Lidové písničky - Komáři se ženili (VÝPRODEJ)

Zazpívejte si nejznámější lidové písničky. Pomocí mobilního telefonu si načtete QR kód a uslyšíte známou písničku nazpívanou dětmi. Se slovy Vám pomůžou texty pod obrázky. Díky roztomilým ilustracím si všechny písničky snadno zapamatujete. V knížce najdete písničky Komáři se ženili, Kočka leze dírou, Já mám koně, Pásla ovečky, Běží liška k Táboru, Holka Modrooká, Kolo, kolo mlýnský, Pec nám spadla, Skákal pes, Jede, jede poštovský panáček.

  • Cena: 60.00 Eur

Lidové písničky - Komáři se ženili

Zazpívejte si nejznámější lidové písničky. Pomocí mobilního telefonu si načtete QR kód a uslyšíte známou písničku nazpívanou dětmi. Se slovy Vám pomůžou texty pod obrázky. Díky roztomilým ilustracím si všechny písničky snadno zapamatujete. V knížce najdete písničky Komáři se ženili, Kočka leze dírou, Já mám koně, Pásla ovečky, Běží liška k Táboru, Holka Modrooká, Kolo, kolo mlýnský, Pec nám spadla, Skákal pes, Jede, jede poštovský panáček.

  • Cena: 167.00 Eur

Lepíme kolečka / kolieska - žlutý sešit / žltý zošit (CZ/SK vydanie) (VÝPRODEJ)

Sešit s veselými obrázky a kulatými samolepkami. Jejich nalepování na správná místa rozvine u dětí představivost, manuální zručnost a logické myšlení.

  • Cena: 39.00 Eur

Learners - Phrasal Verbs in Action 2 (VÝPRODEJ)

Phrasal verbs are an important part of everyday idiomatic English. This book presents 200 common phrasal verbs in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives vlear explanation to each phrasal verb, followed by concise example sentences. A glossary listing all the phrasal verbs used in the units in alphabetical order is put at the end of the book for easy reference.

  • Cena: 75.00 Eur

Learners - Phrasal Verbs in Action 2

Phrasal verbs are an important part of everyday idiomatic English. This book presents 200 common phrasal verbs in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives vlear explanation to each phrasal verb, followed by concise example sentences. A glossary listing all the phrasal verbs used in the units in alphabetical order is put at the end of the book for easy reference.

  • Cena: 124.00 Eur

Learners - Phrasal Verbs in Action 1

Phrasal verbs are an important part of everyday idiomatic English. This book presents 200 common phrasal verbs in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives vlear explanation to each phrasal verb, followed by concise example sentences. A glossary listing all the phrasal verbs used in the units in alphabetical order is put at the end of the book for easy reference.

  • Cena: 124.00 Eur

Learners - Idioms in Action 3

Idioms are an important part of English. This book presents 60 very common idioms in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives clear explanation to each idiom, followed by concise example sentences. Where applicable, the origins of the idioms are also provided.

  • Cena: 124.00 Eur

Learners - Idioms in Action 2

Idioms are an important part of English. This book presents 60 very common idioms in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives clear explanation to each idiom, followed by concise example sentences. Where applicable, the origins of the idioms are also provided.

  • Cena: 124.00 Eur

Learners - Idioms in Action 1(VÝPRODEJ)

Idioms are an important part of English. This book presents 60 very common idioms in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives clear explanation to each idiom, followed by concise example sentences. Where applicable, the origins of the idioms are also provided.

  • Cena: 75.00 Eur

Learners - Idioms in Action 1

Idioms are an important part of English. This book presents 60 very common idioms in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives clear explanation to each idiom, followed by concise example sentences. Where applicable, the origins of the idioms are also provided.

  • Cena: 124.00 Eur

Learners - Grammar in Action 3

Grammar in Action, a threebook series, is specially written in response to educators renewed emphasis on the teaching of grammar in schools. Each book presents about 60 clearly explained grammar topics in humorous graphics. This unique approach is intended to promote reading, as well as to provide useful contextual examples. We have no doubt that this will make the learning of grammar fun and effective.

  • Cena: 124.00 Eur

Learners - Grammar in Action 2

Grammar in Action, a threebook series, is specially written in response to educators renewed emphasis on the teaching of grammar in schools. Each book presents about 60 clearly explained grammar topics in humorous graphics. This unique approach is intended to promote reading, as well as to provide useful contextual examples. We have no doubt that this will make the learning of grammar fun and effective.

  • Cena: 124.00 Eur

Learners - Confusing Words in Action 3

This series of three books deals with confusing words, for example, access and excess, waste and wastage. Each unit explains a pair of confusing words in a clear and concise manner with example sentences. In addition, it contains a short story in pictures that will help learners see how the words are used in context.

  • Cena: 124.00 Eur

Learners - Confusing Words in Action 2

This series of three books deals with confusing words, for example, access and excess, waste and wastage. Each unit explains a pair of confusing words in a clear and concise manner with example sentences. In addition, it contains a short story in pictures that will help learners see how the words are used in context.

  • Cena: 124.00 Eur