INFOA jazykové učebnice, jazykové hry a knihy pro děti • Infoa

INFOA vydává jazykové učebnice a jazykové hry pro studenty, učitele a širokou veřejnost. Vydáváme rovněž kreativní knihy pro děti.


Fairyland 3 - teacher´s resource pack A

The Teachers Resource Pack provides the teacher with additional material which may be used in the classroom for further exploitation of the language learnt. Fairyland 3 Teachers Resource Pack is divided into the following sections 1. Reinforcement and Extension Activities, 2. Holiday Activities, 3. Templates, 4. Picture Word Cards, 5. Progress Tests, 6. Module Tests.

  • Cena: 399.00 Eur

Fairyland 3 - teacher´s book (interleaved)

The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.

  • Cena: 592.00 Eur

Fairyland 3 - pupil´s book

Fairyland 3 is a course for young learners of English. New language is presented in context through lively dialogues. A variety of functional exercises, songs and games help pupils practise the key language in a memorable and enjoyable way. Fairyland 3 comprises six modules. Each module consists of two units. It is aimed at pupils who come under the category of A1, Basic User. Doplňkem učebnice je elektronický anglickočeský slovník, který Vám bude zaslán emailem.

  • Cena: 353.00 Eur

Fairyland 3 - pupil´s audio CD (1)

The Pupils CD includes the chants, songs, dialogues and texts so that the pupils can listen to them at home, thus improving their pronunciation and intonation.

  • Cena: 82.00 Eur

Fairyland 3 - junior language portfolio (do vyprodání zásob)

The Junior Language Portfolio is the pupils property. It is a tool to accompany the pupils language learning throughout their school life and is suitable for documenting their learning both inside and outside the classroom.

  • Cena: 118.00 Eur

Fairyland 3 - class audio CDs (3)

The Class CDs include all the recordings for the listening activities in the Pupils Book, Activity Book and the Module Tests. The teacher can also find the recordings for the Fairyland Alphabet Book should he decide to use it.

  • Cena: 175.00 Eur

Fairyland 3 - activity book

The Activity Book is in fullcolour and consists of six modules of twelve pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework, upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupils Book.

  • Cena: 277.00 Eur

Fairyland 2 - teacher´s vocabulary and grammar

The book Vocabulary and Grammar is specially designed for young learners, it consolidates and extends the language introduced in Fairyland 2. The book is divided into the following sections 1. Vocabulary Practice, 2. Grammar, 3. Fun Time.

  • Cena: 122.00 Eur

Fairyland 2 - teacher´s resource pack b (do vyprodání zásob)

The Teachers Resource Pack provides the teacher with additional material which may be used in the classroom for further exploitation of the language learnt. It contains following sections 1. Reinforcement and Extension Activities, 2. Extras, 3. Templates, 4. Checkpoints.

  • Cena: 399.00 Eur

Fairyland 2 - teacher´s book with posters (interleaved)

The Teachers Book provides stepbystep lesson plans, as well as the answers to the exercises in both the Pupils Book and the Activity Book. It also contains extra ideas on how to present new words and language patterns, additional activities and games, as well tapescripts for the listening activities.

  • Cena: 592.00 Eur

Fairyland 2 - pupil´s book

Fairyland 2 is a course for young learners of English. Pupils follow the adventures of Woody and Frosty and their friends from the Magic Forest. New language is presented in a clear and effective way by means of lively dialogues, songs, games and listening activities. The pupils book contains four modules in eight units. Doplňkem učebnice je elektronický anglickočeský slovník, který Vám bude zaslán emailem.

  • Cena: 353.00 Eur

Hravé listy + samolepky (CZ/SK vydanie)

Kreativní kniha pro děti, která rozvíjí jejich zručnost a fantazii. Vymaluj obrázky a ozdob je skutečnými listy a květinami. Součástí knihy jsou také samolepky, které ti pomohou vytvořit ty nejkrásnější obrázky.

  • Cena: 108.00 Eur

Chytré pero - Veselá zvířátka (r.p. 0,84 Kč bez DPH)

Tato knížka s chytrým perem děti naučí spoustu nových věcí. Poutavé ilustrace a zajímavá fakta o zvířatech pobaví všechny zvídavé děti, které si pomocí chytrého pera mohou samy ověřit své znalosti. Přečti si zajímavosti o zvířatech a pomocí chytrého pera vyber, které obrázky patří k sobě. Správnou odpověď potvrdí chytré pero veselým tónem.

  • Cena: 335.00 Eur

SGEL - Aspectos del espanol actual

Agencia ELE Libro de ejercicios es un complemento del Libro de clase. Al igual que este último, su nivel se corresponde con el A1 del MCER y desarrolla los contenidos que para este nivel establece el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes. Los autores de este proyecto trabajan en el Instituto Cervantes y en la EOI y proponen una metodología de vanguardia, con un enfoque orientado a la acción que es el que se utiliza actualmente en las aulas del Instituto Cervantes. El Libro de ejercicios consta de 12 u

  • Cena: 675.00 Eur

Fairyland 2 - language portfolio (do vyprodání zásob)

My Junior Language Portfolio is used to contain material that the pupils use, along with any extra designed to stimulate and support the learning of the English Language.

  • Cena: 118.00 Eur