The game consists of 132 cards with a question and three multiplechoice answers. The cards are subdivided into six categories superpowers, annoying things, wishes, opinions, fears, never ever 1 multicoloured dice with six sides corresponding to the colours of the six categories of cards 60 numbered tokens divided up as number 1, number 2 and number 3 1 instruction booklet with instructions and suggestions
Curso de espa241ol para jóvenes y adultos que abarca los contenidos correspondientes a los niveles A1, A2, B1 y B2 del Marco común europeo de referencia
Curso de espa241ol para jóvenes y adultos que abarca los contenidos correspondientes a los niveles A1, A2, B1 y B2 del Marco común europeo de referencia
Curso de espa241ol para jóvenes y adultos que abarca los contenidos correspondientes a los niveles A1, A2, B1 y B2 del Marco común europeo de referencia
Curso de espa241ol para jóvenes y adultos que abarca los contenidos correspondientes a los niveles A1, A2, B1 y B2 del Marco común europeo de referencia
Manual para estudiantes de Bachillerato Internacional (Spanish B) y de Bachillerato (nivel B1B2) con un enfoque que fomenta la formación integral del alumno a través del pensamiento crítico y que atiende los valores y actitudes, la diversidad, la indagación, la acción y la reflexión sobre el mundo que nos rodea y sobre el propio aprendizaje. Nueva edición revisada y ampliada con licencia digital interactiva incluida en la edición impresa de 1 a241o de duración. Nuevo Diverso Espa241ol B Libro del a
Cuaderno de ejercicios que acompa241a al manual Nuevo Diverso Espa241ol B, para estudiantes de Bachillerato Internacional (Spanish B) y de Bachillerato (nivel B1B2). Su enfoque que fomenta la formación integral del alumno a través del pensamiento crítico y que atiende los valores y actitudes, la diversidad, la indagación, la acción y la reflexión sobre el mundo que nos rodea y sobre el propio aprendizaje. Nueva edición revisada y ampliada para practicar los contenidos del libro del alumno dentro y f
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
Manual para estudiantes de Secundaria de nivel B1.2 de MCER. Nueva edición revisada y ampliada. Nuevo dise241o y contenidos temáticos actualizados. Presentaciones en PowerPoint para todas las unidades. Audios descargables. Vídeos en el canal de YouTube SGEL ELE Espa241ol para extranjeros. Material gratuito descargable para el profesor guía con sugerencias de clase invertida, fichas de explotación de los vídeos con soluciones actividades extra para la clase glosari
Cuaderno de ejercicios que acompa241a a Nuevo Compa241eros 3 libro del alumno, manual para estudiantes de secundaria de nivel B1.1 de MCER. Consta de una unidad de Punto de partida para refrescar los contenidos del nivel anterior y 9 unidades. Cada unidad contiene Una selección de ejercicios para practicar y consolidar los contenidos del libro del alumno de forma individual o en el aula. Consta de 5 apartados Vocabulario, Gramática, Comunicación, Comunicación y vocabulario y Destrezas. Y
The Flibets is a 3level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for preprimary children. Zac and his friends introduce pupils to their fantasy world through English, engaging them with exciting stories and stimulating activities. The course contains a combination of elements which fully support teachers in the classroom and make learning fun for pupils.
The Flibets is a 3level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for preprimary children. Zac and his friends introduce pupils to their fantasy world through English, engaging them with exciting stories and stimulating activities. The course contains a combination of elements which fully support teachers in the classroom and make learning fun for pupils.
The Flibets is a 3level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for preprimary children. Zac and his friends introduce pupils to their fantasy world through English, engaging them with exciting stories and stimulating activities. The course contains a combination of elements which fully support teachers in the classroom and make learning fun for pupils.
The Flibets is a 3level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for preprimary children. Zac and his friends introduce pupils to their fantasy world through English, engaging them with exciting stories and stimulating activities. The course contains a combination of elements which fully support teachers in the classroom and make learning fun for pupils.