INFOA jazykové učebnice, jazykové hry a knihy pro děti • Infoa

INFOA vydává jazykové učebnice a jazykové hry pro studenty, učitele a širokou veřejnost. Vydáváme rovněž kreativní knihy pro děti.


Career Paths Police - SB+T´s Guide & Digibook application

Career Paths English Police is a new educational resource for people who are serving or intending to serve as professionals in law enforcement, and who want to improve their English communication skills in a professionoriented environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the key language components. Career Paths English Police addresses topics including description of people, vehicles and possessions, specific police

  • Cena: 567.00 Eur

Classic Readers 6 The Tempest - Reader s aktivitami + audio CD

Přitažlivý způsob výuky angličtiny, výukový komplet kniha s aktivitami v kombinaci s CD nabízí širokou škálu využití ve vyučování, velmi vhodné i pro samostudium. How does fate join the paths of three different lives? How much is one of them willing to sacrifice when the French Revolution breaks out? The height of human goodness and the depth of its evil are captured in Charles Dickens passionate story of love, war and sacrifice.

  • Cena: 168.00 Eur

Graded Readers 2 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Reader + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Klasické povídky představují přitažlivý způsob výuky angličtiny. Výukový komplet knihy, pracovního sešitu, audiokazety nebo audio CD nabízí širokou škálu využití ve vyučování. Vhodné i pro samostudium. Kniha pro učitele obsahuje odpovědi ke cvičením v pracovním sešitu, dva závěrečné testy s klíčem a výukový plán.

  • Cena: 125.00 Eur

Storytime 2 The Little Mermaid - PB + Digi-Book Application

Storytime Readers je série známých příběhů a pohádek, které zábavnou formou procvičují četbu. Jsou rozděleny do tří stupňů pokročilosti a jsou napsány způsobem, který umožňuje vyučujícím použít je jako scénáře k dětským divadelním představením.

  • Cena: 138.00 Eur

Creativo - My First 600 German words

The set contains 200 picture cards containing 600 basic words. It is perfect for people who start their adventure with the German language. However, for more advanced students we can set more difficult tasks, eg. saying a sentence in the tense we want to practise (or asking a question to the next player) with a word from the card. The set consists of 400 nouns, 100 verbs, and 100 adjectives.

  • Cena: 587.00 Eur

Creativo - My First 600 English words

The set contains 200 picture cards containing 600 basic words. It is perfect for people who start their adventure with the English language. However, for more advanced students we can set more difficult tasks, eg. saying a sentence in the tense we want to practise (or asking a question to the next player) with a word from the card. The set consists of 400 nouns, 100 verbs, and 100 adjectives.

  • Cena: 587.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives

With this set your students will master the skill of creating sentences with comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. The set consists of 50 cards, 50 adjectives, 150 pictures and 150 sentences on the reverse side of the cards.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Classic Readers 4 The War of the Worlds - Reader

Přitažlivý způsob výuky angličtiny, výukový komplet kniha s aktivitami v kombinaci s CD nabízí širokou škálu využití ve vyučování, velmi vhodné i pro samostudium. Úroveň 4 pokročilí. Who is the dark stranger Jane meets one winters evening, and how will he change her life? And who is the mysterious woman who threatens to destroy Janes happiness just as her dreams are about to come true?

  • Cena: 98.00 Eur

Career Paths Plant Production - SB with Digibook App.

Career Paths Plant Production is a new educational resource for plant production industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths Plant Production addresses topics including common plants, growing methods, pest control, harvesting methods, and floral arran

  • Cena: 462.00 Eur

Career Paths Plant Production - SB+T´s Guide & cross-platform application

Career Paths Plant Production is a new educational resource for plant production industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths Plant Production addresses topics including common plants, growing methods, pest control, harvesting methods, and floral arran

  • Cena: 567.00 Eur

Career Paths Plant Production - SB+CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Career Paths Plant Production is a new educational resource for plant production industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths Plant Production addresses topics including common plants, growing methods, pest control, harvesting methods, and floral arran

  • Cena: 475.00 Eur

Career Paths Physician Assistant - SB+CD+T´s Guide & cross-platform application (do vyprodání zásob)

Career Paths Physician Assistant is a new educational resource for physician assistants or students who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Physician Assistant addresses topics including people in the hospital, parts of the body, imaging equipment, organ systems and comm

  • Cena: 613.00 Eur

Career Paths Nursing - SB with Digibook App.

Career Paths English Nursing is a new educational resource for nursing professionals. Reviewed by licensed nurses, it incorporates careerspecific vocabulary and contexts into lessons that build professionals workplace English skills. Each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in four language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths English Nursing addresses topics including hospital departments, basic equipment, specific illnesses, nursing duties and career op

  • Cena: 462.00 Eur

Career Paths Medical Equipment Repair - SB with Digibook App.

Career Paths Medical Equipment Repair is a new educational resource for emergency responders and managers who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths Medical Equipment Repair addresses topics including hospital departments, IV pumps, infant care equipment, testers, and sold

  • Cena: 462.00 Eur

Career Paths Medical Equipment Repair - SB+CD+T´s Guide & cross-platform application (do vyprodání zásob)

Career Paths Medical Equipment Repair is a new educational resource for emergency responders and managers who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths Medical Equipment Repair addresses topics including hospital departments, IV pumps, infant care equipment, testers, and sold

  • Cena: 613.00 Eur