INFOA jazykové učebnice, jazykové hry a knihy pro děti • Infoa

INFOA vydává jazykové učebnice a jazykové hry pro studenty, učitele a širokou veřejnost. Vydáváme rovněž kreativní knihy pro děti.


ELI - I - hra - Un giro in cittá

A lively board game based on the observation of illustrations related to the city (CEFR A2B1). Students memorise, learn and develop their knowledge of lexical sets connected to urban features, shops, places in town and services, means of transport, road signs and road safety, all in a very engaging way. The game can be used in class with a teacher or at home with friends. The box contains 132 cards divided into 6 packs with a variety of activities, plus a pack of penalty cards a playing board a die

  • Cena: 465.00 Eur

ELI - I - hra - Il regno animale

In this card game players must recognise and collect the most number of animals, divided into categories. Photographic playing cards and bingo grids are used in the bingo game and for other group games, encouraging learning, revision and the correct use of basic Italian vocabulary and language structures. (CEFR A1A2) The game consists of 66 photographic cards, 36 grids for bingo and other games, a guide with instructions and suggestions.

  • Cena: 465.00 Eur

ELI - I - hra - Il pianeta in giocoi

A card game with an illustrated playing board. Players must move along a path that contains information about an ecofriendly lifestyle (recycling, energy conservation, ecofriendly consumption) in order to reach the finish square. The understanding and sharing of this information in order to play the game help to make learning, revision, and the correct use of language structures and vocabulary a fun and enjoyable experience. (CEFR A2B1) The game consists of a playing board, a die, 60 photo cards, 72 ga

  • Cena: 465.00 Eur

ELI - I - hra - Come stai?

A card game with an illustrated playing board. Players have to reach the finish line by overcoming a series of trials relating to the body, wellbeing, and a healthy lifestyle, such as simple physical exercises. Players need to use their language and descriptive skills to play this fun game which encourages learning, revision and the correct use of the Italian language. The game consists of playing board, a numbered die, a die with coloure faces (yellow, blue, orange, purple, red, green), 132 game cards

  • Cena: 465.00 Eur

ELI - F - Poussins 3 - Le rat de ville et le rat des champs - readers + Downloadable Multimedia

Nathan veut rentrer chez lui le plus vite possible ! Si Cyril veut venir déjeuner 224 la campagne, il est le bienvenu, mais pas question de revenir en ville ! Cyril le rat de ville rend visite 224 Nathan le rat des champs. Il est tr232s surpris de voir que son ami na ni maison, ni moyen de transport. En plus, il mange de lherbe et du blé ! Il veut montrer 224 Nathan qu224 la ville, cest plus chic. Il y a des magasins et des choses délicieuses 224 manger. Mais Nathan nest pas daccord ! Pour lui, la vie si

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et les abeilles - readers + Downloadable Multimedia

PB3 et Martine atterrissent sur Terre pour échapper aux terribles OOs qui les poursuivent 224 bord de leur soucoupe volante. Ils sont tr232s surpris de trouver de jolies créatures. Elles sont douces, elles ont des ailes et des rayures noires et jaunes. Ce sont des abeilles ! Sur la Terre, ils rencontrent des enfants qui leur parlent de limportance des abeilles quand, tout 224 coup, ils entendent le bruit dun tracteur. Une catastrophe écologique est sur le point de se produire. Estce quils vont réussir

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - Le renard et les raisins - readers + Downloadable Multimedia

Bernard le renard vit avec sa famille dans le bois. Ils sont tr232s heureux mais tr232s paresseux quand ils narrivent pas 224 faire quelque chose, ils se rendent ! La famille de Bernard le renard est tr232s bizarre. Dans cette famille on trouve toujours une excuse pour ne rien faire. Comme les hommes,quand ils ne sont pas capables de faire quelque chose, la famille renard accuse les choses et les situations. Mais attention ! Quand on veut quelque chose, il faut faire un effort pour lavoir !

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - F - Poussins 1 - Mamie Pétronille et le singe - readers + Downloadable Multimedia

Voil224 les aventures de mamie Pétronille et dun petit singe au bioparc. Dans cette aventure amusante dans un bioparc, un singe vole le petit sac jaune de Mamie Pétronille ! Questce que le singe sort du sac ? Et questce que Mamie Pétronille, Aurélie et Gabriel font pour le récupérer ?

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - F - hra - Le monde animal

In this card game players must recognise and collect the most number of animals, divided into categories. Photographic playing cards and bingo grids are used in the bingo game and for other group games, encouraging learning, revision and the correct use of basic French vocabulary and language structures. (CEFR A1A2) The game consists of 66 photographic cards, 36 grids for bingo and other games, a guide with instructions and suggestions.

  • Cena: 465.00 Eur

ELI - F - hra - La planete en jeu

A card game with an illustrated playing board. Players must move along a path that contains information about an ecofriendly lifestyle (recycling, energy conservation, ecofriendly consumption) in order to reach the finish square. The understanding and sharing of this information in order to play the game help to make learning, revision, and the correct use of language structures and vocabulary a fun and enjoyable experience. (CEFR A2B1) The game consists of a playing board, a die, 60 photo cards, 72 ga

  • Cena: 465.00 Eur

ELI - F - hra - Comment ca va?

A card game with an illustrated playing board. Players have to reach the finish line by overcoming a series of trials relating to the body, wellbeing, and a healthy lifestyle, such as simple physical exercises. Players need to use their language and descriptive skills to play this fun game which encourages learning, revision and the correct use of the French language. The game consists of playing board, a numbered die, a die with coloure faces (yellow, blue, orange, purple, red, green), 132 game cards

  • Cena: 465.00 Eur

ELI - BELLISSIMO! 2 - Libro digitale DVD

Bellissimo! Edizione compatta fornisce un percorso didattico pi249 intenso e veloce rispetto alla versione originale in 3 volumi. Uno strumento efficace per offrire agli studenti il maggiore apprendimento linguistico nel pi249 breve tempo possibile. Libro dello studente 1 (A1A2) con Eserciziario 15 unit224 didattiche. Primi passi una doppia pagina fotografica per richiamare le conoscenze linguistiche. Tre sezioni dedicate alle abilit224 linguistiche, Guarda e ascolta, Leggi, Scrivi. Due sezio

  • Cena: 1 476.00 Eur

ELI - BELLISSIMO! 1 - Libro dello Studente con Eserciziario

Bellissimo! Edizione compatta fornisce un percorso didattico pi249 intenso e veloce rispetto alla versione originale in 3 volumi. Uno strumento efficace per offrire agli studenti il maggiore apprendimento linguistico nel pi249 breve tempo possibile. Libro dello studente 1 (A1A2) con Eserciziario 15 unit224 didattiche. Primi passi una doppia pagina fotografica per richiamare le conoscenze linguistiche. Tre sezioni dedicate alle abilit224 linguistiche, Guarda e ascolta, Leggi, Scrivi. Due sezio

  • Cena: 698.00 Eur

ELI - BELLISSIMO! 1 - Fascicolo soluzioni

Bellissimo! Edizione compatta fornisce un percorso didattico pi249 intenso e veloce rispetto alla versione originale in 3 volumi. Uno strumento efficace per offrire agli studenti il maggiore apprendimento linguistico nel pi249 breve tempo possibile. Libro dello studente 1 (A1A2) con Eserciziario 15 unit224 didattiche. Primi passi una doppia pagina fotografica per richiamare le conoscenze linguistiche. Tre sezioni dedicate alle abilit224 linguistiche, Guarda e ascolta, Leggi, Scrivi. Due sezion

  • Cena: 83.00 Eur

ELI - BELLISSIMO! 1-2 - Guida Unica per livelli 1e2

Bellissimo! Edizione compatta fornisce un percorso didattico pi249 intenso e veloce rispetto alla versione originale in 3 volumi. Uno strumento efficace per offrire agli studenti il maggiore apprendimento linguistico nel pi249 breve tempo possibile. Libro dello studente 1 (A1A2) con Eserciziario 15 unit224 didattiche. Primi passi una doppia pagina fotografica per richiamare le conoscenze linguistiche. Tre sezioni dedicate alle abilit224 linguistiche, Guarda e ascolta, Leggi, Scrivi. Due sezio

  • Cena: 775.00 Eur