Present day conditions, writes the author, call loudly for a new examination and new presentation of Gods omnipotence, Gods sufficiency, Gods sovereignty. Autor : A. W. Pink
Whilst in India Pastor Kuhrt desired to help the Tamil peoples to interpret their Bibles correctly according to sound principles of interpretation. Autor : Wilfred Kuhrt
Vrúcne objatie človekom, ktorého máš rád. Srdečný smiech pri dobrom jedle s bliízkymi priateľmi. Príjemný pohľad na to, ako sa veselo hrajú tvoje deti. Takéto chvíle sú svetlými okamihmi života. Mnohým sa však zdá, že život prináša len jeden vážny problém za druhým.
I wonder why you are looking at it? Maybe you are in a bookshop and the cover attracted you. Perhabs you want to be s better leader in you situation, or maybe you are intrigued as to why your leaders act as they do, or you may wish to help and encourage your own leaders. Autor : David Spriggs
Most Christians could tell you a ot about God. Were familiar with His attributes, His character, His actions, and so on. But do we really know God ? Are we comfortable just wasting time is His presence ? Autor : Jan Johnson
These miniature Christian Classics date from the year 1984 when D. L. Moody first saw the need for inexpensive Christian literature. Some of the finest writing on a variety of Christian themes are avaible in the Moody Colportage Library. Autor : Bernard Palmer
A distinct articulation can only gained by constant and careful practice of the elementary souds. Whenever a word is imperfectly enunciated, the teacher should call attention to the sounds composing the spoken word.
Livius nagy mȕve a nagyszervȕ rómani geszutusok gyȕjteménye. Emberei mind olyan romaiak, mint ahogy a romaiakat elkepzeljük, és hogy igy képzeljük el, az nem kis mértekben Livius nak kӧszӧnhető.
Plynie medzi tebou a mnou na vyhliadke prísvit vodného dna, ktoré stopí profilom kopcov aj tvoje tvarovanie. Matnesa zrkadlí na dne, odrezané od teba každé tvoje gesto. vkročí bezo stopy... Autor: Vladimír Lukán
Here , writes John Murray, we have the theology of evangelism, and evangelism without scriptural theology has lost its moorings. R. B. Kuipers writing, as his preaching and lectruing, was always characterized by clarity and simplicity. Autor : R. B. Kupier
And old yellow school bus jolted down the bumpy South Texas road. On each side of the road stretches endless, flat fields. In the fields dried grasses huddled in clumps against the winter rain. Inside the bus, nine-year-old Maria Martinez shivered and gripped the edge of the seat with one hand.
The New testament was written after Jesus Christ died, arose from the dead, and then ascended into heaven. It was written originally in Koine Greek and is made up of 27 books. The first four book of the New Testament are called the Gospels : the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke, and the Gospel of John. Autor : Kay Arthur
Then this book is for you. Messy Spirituality was written for the silent majority of us who have been convinced that we just dont do Christianity right. We spend most of our lives worried about what we dont do instead od what we have done, focused on our imperfections instead of God s fondness for the imperfect. Autor : Michael Yaconelli
Nothing can take the place of personal Bible study. Scripture is the God-ordained authority for Christian faith and livinf, and studying it is a requierment-not an option- for the committed believer who wants deeply to learn of Jesus Christ, to follow Him, and to obey His teaching.