Vrecko na kocky s magnetickým uzatváraním. Looking for an easy way to carry your dice around? Look no further! Our oakie doakie dice bag with snap and clap closure are just what you need. They come in various colours and two different size options so no dice are left behind.No muss, no fuss - open and close your dice bag without a zipper that gets stuck half way or drawstrings that get tangled up. Makes it even more easy and convenient to bring the dice with you where ever you go!
Sada šiestich fixiek pre použitie s umývateľnými podložkami pre RPG hry.
Čierna fixka pre použitie s umývateľnými podložkami pre RPG hry.
Sada štyroch fixiek pre použitie s umývateľnými podložkami pre RPG hry.
Rozdeľovače kariet - 10 plastových záložiek do krabičiek na karty.
Priehľadná stránka do albumov na zberateľské karty. Kapacita: 9 kariet (18 obojstranne) Karty sa zakladajú zhora.
Priehľadná stránka do albumov na zberateľské karty. Kapacita: 9 kariet (18 obojstranne) Karty sa zakladajú zhora.
Priehľadná stránka do albumov na zberateľské karty. Kapacita: 9 kariet (18 obojstranne) Karty sa zakladajú zhora
Priehľadná stránka do albumov na zberateľské karty. Kapacita: 4 karty (8 obojstranne) Karty sa zakladajú zhora určené pre veľké karty, do rozmerov 88 x 133 mm
Rozdeľovače kariet - 10 plastových záložiek do krabičiek na karty.
Rozdeľovače kariet - 10 plastových záložiek do krabičiek na karty.
Priehľadná stránka do albumov na zberateľské karty. Každé vrecko má klapku na vrchnej strane, ktorá zamedzí vypadávaniu kariet. Kapacita: 9 kariet (18 obojstranne) Karty sa zakladajú zhora
Vrecko na kocky s magnetickým uzatváraním. Looking for an easy way to carry your dice around? Look no further! Our oakie doakie dice bag with snap and clap closure are just what you need. They come in various colours and two different size options so no dice are left behind.No muss, no fuss - open and close your dice bag without a zipper that gets stuck half way or drawstrings that get tangled up. Makes it even more easy and convenient to bring the dice with you where ever you go!
Vrecko na kocky s magnetickým uzatváraním. Looking for an easy way to carry your dice around? Look no further! Our oakie doakie dice bag with snap and clap closure are just what you need. They come in various colours and two different size options so no dice are left behind.No muss, no fuss - open and close your dice bag without a zipper that gets stuck half way or drawstrings that get tangled up. Makes it even more easy and convenient to bring the dice with you where ever you go!
Vrecko na kocky s magnetickým uzatváraním. Looking for an easy way to carry your dice around? Look no further! Our oakie doakie dice bag with snap and clap closure are just what you need. They come in various colours and two different size options so no dice are left behind.No muss, no fuss - open and close your dice bag without a zipper that gets stuck half way or drawstrings that get tangled up. Makes it even more easy and convenient to bring the dice with you where ever you go!